Jenkins : NodeLabel Parameter Plugin

Plugin Information

View Node and Label parameter on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin adds two new parameter types to job configuration - node and label, this allows to dynamically select the node where a job/project should be executed.


The plugin allows to configure additional parameters for a job. These new parameter types are 'Node' and 'Label'. This is specially useful if you want to execute the job on different nodes without changing the configuration over and over again. It also allows you to use Jenkins in a scenario where you would like to setup different nodes with the same script/jobs configured - e.g. SW provisioning.
Another usage scenario would be to configure a node maintenance job which you could trigger on request on each node.

Restrict where this project can be run

If your using a node or label parameter to run your job on a particular node, you should not use the option "Restrict where this project can be run" in the job configuration - it will not have any effect to the selection of your node anymore!

  • Node

    Define a list of nodes on which the job should be allowed to be executed on. A default node used for scheduled jobs can be defined.
    You are able to configure the job to run one after the other or even concurrent.

In case multi node selection was disabled, you get a dropdown to select one node to execute the job on.

If multi node selection was enabled, you get the chance to select multiple nodes to run the job on. The job will then be executed on each of the nodes, one after the other or concurrent - depending on the configuration.

  • Label

    Define a label of 'Restrict where this project can be run' on the fly.

Trigger via script

One can also trigger a job via remote call (e.g. script)

Trigger job on multiple nodes:

curl --silent -u USER:PASSWORD --show-error --data 'json={"parameter":[{"name":"PARAMNAME","value":["node1","node2"]}]}&Submit=Build' http://localhost:8080/job/remote/build?token=SECTOKEN

Although the first format also supports passing just one node name as parameter in the list, the plugin also supports to pas a simple key/value parameter to trigger the job on  single node only:

curl --silent -u USER:PASSWORD --show-error --data 'json={"parameter":[{"name":"PARAMNAME","value":"master"}]}&Submit=Build' http://localhost:8080/job/remote/build?token=SECTOKEN

If you have a 'label' parameter (instead of a 'node' parameter), then the request should look like this:

curl --silent -u USER:PASSWORD --show-error --data 'json={"parameter":[{"name":"PARAMNAME","label":"mylabel"}]}&Submit=Build' http://localhost:8080/job/remote/build?token=SECTOKEN

It is also possible to pass the parameter via GET (example: NODENAME is a 'Node' parameter defined on the job):


Parameterized Trigger plugin

Post Build Action

If the Parameterized Trigger Plugin is installed, an additional parameter is available to pass to the target job. The parameterized trigger plugin handles Node and Label parameters as every other parameter if you use the option 'Current build parameters'.
But it is not possible to use the 'Predefined parameters' to overwrite such a parameter, therefore the NodeLabel Parameter plugin adds a new parameter to the trigger plugin.

This parameter type defines where the target job should be executed, the value must match either a label or a node name - otherwise the job will just stay in the queue. The NodeLabel parameter passed to the target job, does not have to exist on the target job (but if the target has one defined, it should match the name). This way it is possible to trigger jobs on different nodes then they are actually configured.


The nodelabel parameter plugin also adds a BuildParameterFactory to the parameterized trigger plugin, this factory enables you to trigger a build of a specific project on all nodes having the same label.

  1. Add the a "Trigger/call builds on other projects" build step
  2. define the project you want to run on each node
  3. select the "All Nodes for Label Factory" from the "Add ParameterFactory" dropdown
  4. define the label identifying all the nodes you want to run the project on

Similarly, you can also add "Build on every online node" as a parameter factory. This will cause the specified projects to run on all nodes (master and all slaves) that are online and have non-zero executor configured to it.

Version History

1.7 (7. Dec. 2015)

  • fix JENKINS-22185 Trigger a build in all nodes matching a label (thanks to Antonio)

1.6 (23. Nov. 2015)

  • add MIT license PR #8 (thanks vaneyckt)
  • fix JENKINS-28374 enable triggering via rebuild plugin (thanks lrobertson39)
  • fix JENKINS-27880 expose value in API (thanks Charles Stephens)
  • fix typo PR #4 (thanks guysoft)

1.5.1 (2. March 2014)

  • fix JENKINS-21828 encoding issues with german "umlaute"
  • integrate PR #3  LabelParameterDefinition extends SimpleParameterDefinition to support better integration with other plugins

1.5.0 (10. Feb 2014)

  • implement JENKINS-17660 for convenience, allow usage of 'value' for calls of label parameters via script
  • implement JENKINS-21194 add notion of NodeEligibility to differentiate between different offline modes of nodes
  • new feature: "build on all nodes matching label" for Label parameter
  • fix JENKINS-20885 default node not selected in dropdown
  • fix JENKINS-20823 Stack Trace when Configuring a task with "Label Factory"
  • lift dependency to core 1.509.4

1.4 (28. March 2013)

  • implement JENKINS-17305 don't wait for offline nodes (new option added for node parameter and parameter factory)
  • implement JENKINS-14407 allow multi-value default for scheduled builds

1.3 (9. Dec 2012)

  • Add new build parameter factory for Parameterized Trigger Plugin : List of nodes - factory takes a list of nodes to trigger the job on
  • fix JENKINS-15339 breaks Windows batch file build steps if Name field not filled in
  • fix JENKINS-15370 Value of Node param variable does not contain all values when selecting multiple nodes

1.2.1 (2. July 2012)

  • fixed JENKINS-14230 Node parameter value can't be passed by HTTP GET

1.2 (25. June 2012)

1.1.4 (21. May 2012)

  • supported a build parameter factory that lets you run a specified job on all the slaves.

1.1.3 (11. May 2012)

  • fix JENKINS-13704 Unable to start a concurrent build when there are nodeParameterValues

1.1.2 (25. Feb. 2011)

  • fix JENKINS-12226 Triggering a build with "Current build parameters" fails when the current build parameters includes a node name
  • fix issue if a a job has many parameters

1.1.1 (27. Nov. 2011)

  • Fix issue if a label was using expressions

1.1.0 (15. Nov. 2011)

  • Added a BuildParameterFactory to get all Nodes for a Label when triggered via buildstep from "parameterized-trigger-plugin" (pull #1, thanks to wolfs)

1.0.0 (18. Sep. 2011)

  • fix JENKINS-10982 trim labels / nodes
  • fix JENKINS-11006 fix remote triggering (e.g. via script)
  • enhance node parameter to support concurrent job execution
  • case you have an issue after updating to this version, try to just open the job configuration and save it again.


  • add badge icon to show on which node/label the build was done
  • add support to execute the job on multiple nodes automatically  (one after the other)


  • add additional parameter to parameterized-trigger plugin (JENKINS-10088)


  • Inital

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