Jenkins : MyPeople Plugin

Deprecated: This plugin has been removed from the Jenkins Update Centre

The Daum mypeople service no longer exists.
Archived versions of this plugin remain available for download.

Plugin Information

No information for the plugin 'mypeople' is available. It may have been removed from distribution.

Sends the build result to Daum My People messanger (

You need to create your own bot.


  1. Create your own My People bot (
  2. Find out the buddy ID to receive build notification using callback function (
    1. Example:
  3. Install this plugin and Instant Messaging plugin
  4. Add the apikey in Jenkins Setting > System Setting > Daum My People Messaging Notifications
  5. Add the buddy id in Job Setting > post-build action > My People Messanger

Change Log (February 4, 2014)

  • First public release
  • Tested with one buddy user, not group