Launches an agent on the local machine to simulate a remote agent. Optionally simulates network latency problems.
Launches an agent on the local machine to simulate a remote agent. Optionally simulates network latency problems.
Class MockSlave. java.lang.Object · hudson.model.AbstractModelObject · hudson.model.Node · hudson.model.Slave. org.jenkinci.plugins.mock_slave.MockSlave. All ...
Launches an agent on the local machine to simulate a remote agent. Optionally simulates network latency problems.
Mar 23, 2024 · Launches an agent on the local machine to simulate a remote agent. Optionally simulates network latency problems.
Feb 20, 2024 · Launches an agent on the local machine to simulate a remote agent. Optionally simulates network latency problems.
Defines a dummy agent launcher and elastic cloud that really runs everything on localhost. Just for testing. Changelog. Version 1.13 (Sep 11 2018).
Launches an agent on the local machine to simulate a remote agent. Optionally simulates network latency problems.
Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.AbstractDescribableImpl<T> (implements hudson.model.Describable<T>). hudson.slaves.