Plugin Information |
View Maintenance Jobs Scheduler on the plugin site for more information. |
Perform deleting or disabling of old jobs based on some cron tasks. You can configure this plugin globally based on some specific scheduler, excluding jobs with some regex, add some description in each disabling job (for tracking purposes), apply that filter for those jobs older than X days.
Jenkins is an awesome Automation System, and there are a bunch of people using it in different ways, for example: developers, testers, automation, build engineers, release engineers, scrum master, product owner and so on. Unfortunately, as the number of jobs grows, maintaining them becomes tedious, and the paradigm of no using a predefined set of maintenance jobs action fall apart.
The Maintenance Jobs Scheduler plugin attempts to solve this problem by running a cronly task based on some parameters.
Manually reviewing those jobs wouldn't be too hard, but doing the same thing all over again for every job or for a hundred other projects is where it gets difficult and tedious. This provides a much more powerful way of analyzing them.
Go to Manage Jenkins - Configure System - Maintenance Jobs Scheduler section:
Open Issues
Groovy Script
You can see the method in the below url:
Although it's not supported yet, the execute method will return the list of disabled/removed jobs then you will be able to iterate themGroovy Script
new org.jenkinsci.plugins.maintenancejobsscheduler.MaintenanceJobsPeriodicWork().execute(true, 1, "disabled", "", false);
Groovy Script (Upcoming release)// It will be available in the upcoming release new MaintenanceJobsPeriodicWork().execute(true, 1, "disabled", "", false)?.each { println }
Version history
Version 0.1.1 (Upcoming release)
Change execute signature and return List of Jobs
Version 0.1.0 (Dec 28, 2015)
Initial release