Jenkins : Lotus Connections plugin

Plugin Information

View Lotus Connections on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin posts build results to Lotus Connections.

Each Lotus Connection update will contain the job name, build number, The number of tests executed, passed, failed and the pass rate (%).

For example

TT_BVT_WMB (96) : Tests Executed = 600 Tests Passed = 126 Tests Failed = 474 Pass Rate = 21.00 %

The core workings came from a sample on this site Updating your Lotus Connections microblog programmatically by Luis Benitez.

Version 1.24 (Jan 10, 2014)

  • Added the feature to post to a Lotus Connections Community Forum.
  • Reverted the configuration to set the properties in a per-project manner, rather than global .

Version 1.23 (Feb 19, 2013)

  • Updated the status message to include the build url.
  • Altered the configuration to set the properties in a global manner, rather than per-project.

Version 1.22 (Feb 12, 2013)

  • Updated the dependencies to latest release of Adbera.

Version 1.18 (Nov 7, 2012)

  • Altered the default message for builds with no test results.

Version 1.17 (Nov 6, 2012)

  • Fixed up the release process.

Version 1.14 (Nov 5, 2012)

  • Initial release