Jenkins : Jenkins change log
Created by Unknown User (vsilverman) on Nov 19, 2018
Important highlights from this release
All updates for this release
New Feature
- JENKINS-54675 OPEN PCT: Add reporting of the used JDK version to the report
- JENKINS-54674 OPEN PCT: Add Docker packaging for Java 11
- JENKINS-54669 RESOLVED Use sensible defaults settings for the datasource configuration
- JENKINS-54594 OPEN Add support for credentials binding plugin for ocp bearer token
- JENKINS-54572 OPEN Add SSH connection support for Docker Plugin
- JENKINS-54567 OPEN Last deployed/published/finished column
- JENKINS-54544 OPEN Allow Pipeline to add Badges to BlueOcean
- JENKINS-54539 CLOSED REST API to generate API tokens
- JENKINS-54519 CLOSED resolved
- JENKINS-54490 OPEN Mention postbuild plugin in 'manager' Globals description
- JENKINS-54487 OPEN Offer Java 11 Alpine Docker images for Jenkins agents
- JENKINS-54463 OPEN add JCasC pipeline step
- JENKINS-54462 IN PROGRESS PCT: Add support of running CLI with Java 11
- JENKINS-54461 OPEN Grant Job Rerun in a Pipeline as a Individual Permission
- JENKINS-54442 OPEN Show origin class, repository, plugin of globals
- JENKINS-54441 OPEN Display class and plugin for workflow steps
- JENKINS-54439 IN PROGRESS Support configuration as code plugin
- JENKINS-54433 OPEN do we have view based permission partitioning strategy for jenkins?
- JENKINS-54418 OPEN Ability to select images based on OS_FAMILY and select lastest version
- JENKINS-54404 CLOSED google compute engine plugin support "stopped mode"
- JENKINS-54395 OPEN Snapshot management feature in GCE-plugin
- JENKINS-54384 OPEN consider adding pipeline-maven to essentials
- JENKINS-54383 OPEN consider adding bitbucket-oauth and github-oauth to Evergreen
- JENKINS-54380 CLOSED Private repository authentication
- JENKINS-54373 OPEN Quality Gate failure doesn't fail the step.
- JENKINS-54368 IN REVIEW Jenkins Tests Recovery operations support
- JENKINS-54344 OPEN Add an AdministrativeMonitor to check/warn critical aspects of an Evergreen instance
- JENKINS-54337 OPEN consider adding job-dsl to Evergreen
- JENKINS-54336 RESOLVED consider adding pipeline-utility-steps-plugin to Evergreen
- JENKINS-54327 OPEN Go back to previous stage in pipeline if failed/aborted in particular stage
- JENKINS-54316 OPEN Update plugins defined in package-config.yml of CWP
- JENKINS-54303 OPEN Pipeline zip does not suport symbolic links
- JENKINS-54284 CLOSED Add `@Symbol` to warning parsers
- JENKINS-54265 OPEN Sending Parameters or initialize environment variables
- JENKINS-54237 CLOSED Issue in created merged Result.html file
- JENKINS-54227 RESOLVED Safely expose the Cause(s) associated with the current build
- JENKINS-54208 OPEN Groovy compilation error in Splunk Plugin Extension
- JENKINS-54183 OPEN support multiple alm octane shared spaces configuration
- JENKINS-54163 OPEN Email-Ext 2.63: brokenBuildSuspects recipient provider is not working for pipeline builds
- JENKINS-54159 IN PROGRESS Support configuration as code plugin
- JENKINS-54158 OPEN Pipeline supports regression report plugin
- JENKINS-54153 OPEN Creating workspace without sync?
- JENKINS-54152 OPEN restart jenkins when not running as service
- JENKINS-54149 CLOSED Ability to add HTML text on login page
- JENKINS-54072 OPEN extension point to write comments to SCM pull request
- JENKINS-54057 OPEN [JEP-302] Implement evergreen Data auto-rollback using the snapshotting system
- JENKINS-54056 RESOLVED Implement Evergreen automated Update Level rollback
- JENKINS-54040 OPEN Profile based defaults for jobs
- JENKINS-54024 OPEN Store the console output to a file using groovy post-build plugin
- JENKINS-54023 IN PROGRESS Pass Jenkins parameters to E2 plugin
- JENKINS-54017 OPEN Plot for Color blind
- JENKINS-54000 RESOLVED Support for Taglist Maven Plugin
- JENKINS-53999 OPEN Set default choices based on query string parameters.
- JENKINS-53994 RESOLVED Parameters that use own descriptor to check/fill fields returns 404 in schedule release page
- JENKINS-53989 OPEN Provision Kafka node for Jenkins master
- JENKINS-53962 OPEN Job DSL Support without Dynamic DSL
- JENKINS-53945 RESOLVED Adding a new configuration to the azure-vm-agents-plugin to enable MSI
- JENKINS-53937 OPEN Jenkins build is skipped
- JENKINS-53936 OPEN Jenkinsfile location in a different depot
- JENKINS-53934 OPEN Support ListViewColumn to display status of 'master'-branch in subview
- JENKINS-53930 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Health Check Analyzer build step
- JENKINS-53929 RESOLVED Update Jetty to 9.4.12 to get support of TLS 1.3
- JENKINS-53910 CLOSED Ready-to-fly demo for simple PR job plugin
- JENKINS-53899 OPEN Allow credentials to be used for ECS plugin
- JENKINS-53872 OPEN Provide Customized Squashed Commit Message
- JENKINS-53853 OPEN Load Balancing for Nodes
- JENKINS-53836 OPEN Office 365 Connector - allow additional information to be passed into teams message when using default webhooks
- JENKINS-53806 OPEN Class-based DomainSpecification filter for more flexibility of restricting credentials
- JENKINS-53792 RESOLVED Env vars to configure CLI -auth option
- JENKINS-53789 OPEN Update CWP BOM model to BOM 1.0 from JEP-309
- JENKINS-53755 CLOSED Detect and publish Jacoco reports
- JENKINS-53752 IN REVIEW Block PRs from forks from untrusted users
- JENKINS-53742 OPEN Add Google Service Account from Private Key support on Kubernetes Credentials
- JENKINS-53731 CLOSED Include jackson-annotations
- JENKINS-53730 OPEN Automatically reuse stashes in declerative pipelines
- JENKINS-53723 IN PROGRESS [P4 Plugin] Add optional member to Populate types to explicitly specify the CL to sync
- JENKINS-53707 RESOLVED Allow commit message and author of head commit
- JENKINS-54706 OPEN Drop support for themes
- JENKINS-54702 OPEN Discover Bitbucket repo when receiving first webhook event
- JENKINS-54701 IN PROGRESS Support branch indexing and branch event trigger causes
- JENKINS-54697 OPEN How to use 'p4 print' with P4Groovy?
- JENKINS-54693 OPEN Improve doCheckUpdatesServer: logs, internal logic
- JENKINS-54692 OPEN system cloud podTemplate support defaultContainer
- JENKINS-54687 CLOSED GCLogs should be excluded by default
- JENKINS-54686 RESOLVED Use trilead-api plugin instead trilead-ssh2 from core
- JENKINS-54685 OPEN data ecomony
- JENKINS-54682 OPEN Allow configuration of listen address for JNLP agents
- JENKINS-54666 OPEN vsphere plugin job succesful but VMs in vcenter not created
- JENKINS-54665 OPEN Allow vSphere credentials overridable from job config page.
- JENKINS-54662 IN PROGRESS hudson.model.UsageStatistics not compatible with CasC plugin
- JENKINS-54653 OPEN Ability to retrieve metrics by type in the metric servlet
- JENKINS-54650 OPEN Allow for value inspection of urltrigger responses
- JENKINS-54649 OPEN Allow logging of urltrigger response
- JENKINS-54648 OPEN Allow url-trigger basic authentication to use jenkins stored credentials
- JENKINS-54647 OPEN Plugin is not working in downstream jobs
- JENKINS-54645 OPEN Send queue data in JSON Payload
- JENKINS-54635 OPEN Add ability to specify auth path during login
- JENKINS-54633 IN PROGRESS build dedicated VPC while installing evergreen on AWS
- JENKINS-54632 OPEN dsl job doesn't create a build step for Performance Center using Jenkins API
- JENKINS-54631 OPEN Update JaCoCo Maven Plugin to support Coverage publishing with Java 11
- JENKINS-54608 OPEN [BuildResultTrigger] Add multi-configuration project child jobs to the list of job to monitor
- JENKINS-54606 OPEN Make container warning more intelligent
- JENKINS-54605 OPEN Default stage for post section
- JENKINS-54602 RESOLVED Pipeline post action should support conditions
- JENKINS-54600 OPEN Show a warning when creating a user with a dot
- JENKINS-54599 IN REVIEW Update Jetty version in Maven Jenkins Dev Plugin (Jetty)
- JENKINS-54584 OPEN Wrong icon for move/delete and move/add action changes page
- JENKINS-54581 OPEN Possibility to limit the amount of executed configurations of a matrix job
- JENKINS-54580 OPEN Possibility to define a maximum value for jobs with identical parameters
- JENKINS-54579 OPEN Allow the max builds value to be a parameter
- JENKINS-54550 OPEN Add usage of new Error severity in Quality Gate Thresholds
- JENKINS-54546 OPEN Missing policy violations column
- JENKINS-54545 OPEN Promisify the plugin deletion
- JENKINS-54536 IN REVIEW Support T3 instance types
- JENKINS-54523 RESOLVED Ability to stop an UNSTABLE declarative pipeline
- JENKINS-54505 OPEN Expose plugin manager to groovy
- JENKINS-54496 OPEN Node monitoring should not log exceptions for disconnected nodes
- JENKINS-54495 OPEN Better handling of GitHub Organization folder scan to avoid API quota
- JENKINS-54489 OPEN Don't use RandomStringGenerator for suffix in instance name
- JENKINS-54488 CLOSED Lightweight checkout workspace
- JENKINS-54467 OPEN Evergreen AWS flavor security hardening
- JENKINS-54459 IN REVIEW Avoid Angry Jenkins when check now on Plugin Manager
- JENKINS-54455 OPEN Provide howto for adding plugins to Evergreen
- JENKINS-54450 OPEN Adding the ability to "undeploy" an application from a container
- JENKINS-54446 OPEN support bitbucket non saml url
- JENKINS-54445 CLOSED Publishing data to influxDb
- JENKINS-54440 OPEN Bump PostgreSQL driver
- JENKINS-54437 RESOLVED Add support for MySql database
- JENKINS-54434 IN PROGRESS Bump MySql driver to v8.x
- JENKINS-54424 IN REVIEW Jenkinsfile Runner: Stop using Jenkins Test Harness dependency
- JENKINS-54422 OPEN Ability to specify custom message per Action
- JENKINS-54410 RESOLVED Compatibility of Blue Ocean ATH with pre- and post-2.128 login screens from classic
- JENKINS-54381 OPEN Allow to specify a different team when creating a pipeline
- JENKINS-54359 IN PROGRESS Change error handling
- JENKINS-54356 RESOLVED Make Pipeline placeholder tasks expose the same info as Freestyle builds do
- JENKINS-54353 OPEN Jenkinsfile Runner: Replace the JUnit implementation but something production-focused
- JENKINS-54352 OPEN Create basic functional tests for Jenkinsfile Runner
- JENKINS-54351 OPEN Enable Maven Enforcer in the Jenkinsfile Runner codebase
- JENKINS-54350 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Java 11 compatibility: Update JTH to the recent version
- JENKINS-54332 OPEN New Parameters option, specifying separate parameters for each separate job
- JENKINS-54325 IN REVIEW Support multiple SimplePageDecorators for login and signup page footers
- JENKINS-54324 OPEN Notifications for the input directive
- JENKINS-54323 OPEN Create a Pipeline step to set the current build's display name, description, etc.
- JENKINS-54322 OPEN Add ability SKIP stage in script pipeline
- JENKINS-54317 OPEN change NAT timeout
- JENKINS-54297 OPEN Failing to report build status to BitBucket server
- JENKINS-54279 OPEN Forward slash should not be appended to URLs
- JENKINS-54276 OPEN blueocean does not confirm build stop/cancel
- JENKINS-54250 OPEN Disable restarting stages in jenkinsfile optionally
- JENKINS-54247 OPEN Add to TROUBLESHOOTING how to backup/restore current keys
- JENKINS-54239 OPEN jobDSL for warnings column in view
- JENKINS-54231 OPEN job dsl summary hides multiple jobs with the same display name
- JENKINS-54221 IN PROGRESS Add an example of a certificate authentication with service-principal to documentation
- JENKINS-54220 OPEN Include node name in Pipeline Run Details View
- JENKINS-54214 OPEN NPE when no credentials provided on Gerrit SCM URL for Declarative Pipeline
- JENKINS-54212 OPEN Jenkins Gerrit webhook not working for refUpdated events
- JENKINS-54211 OPEN List all available apis in the app
- JENKINS-54201 OPEN Allow the tigger to work without any "node" wrappers
- JENKINS-54197 OPEN Allow combining site and room fields
- JENKINS-54195 OPEN Add support for p4 clean
- JENKINS-54194 OPEN Support paging for Jenkins pipelines based views
- JENKINS-54193 CLOSED Ability to limit number of pipelines shown in Jenkins pipeline based views
- JENKINS-54192 CLOSED Add missing help description for sorting and number of columns configuration options
- JENKINS-54191 CLOSED Persist task finished time
- JENKINS-54188 IN PROGRESS Allow "tool locations" to be configured per Azure Virtual Machine Template
- JENKINS-54182 OPEN How to get maven model properties like env vars in maven plugin?
- JENKINS-54171 IN PROGRESS Git parameter branch selector becomes slow after a period of time
- JENKINS-54164 OPEN Support onDelete build event to optionally delete image from registry
- JENKINS-54154 IN REVIEW [Custom Tools Plugin] - JCasC compatibility
- JENKINS-54151 RESOLVED Update CWP to JCasC 1.0
- JENKINS-54150 OPEN Add config option to ignore certificate errors
- JENKINS-54145 OPEN Removed dependencies are not removed from list of upstream projects
- JENKINS-54137 CLOSED Do not submit empty telemetry data
- JENKINS-54136 CLOSED Use per-trial correlator IDs
- JENKINS-54129 OPEN Jump Hosts need their own configuration
- JENKINS-54127 OPEN Add new option to pipeline - sshagent
- JENKINS-54125 OPEN Jenkinsfile lightweight checkout help doesn't match behaviour - polling and changelog work without checkout scm
- JENKINS-54122 CLOSED Jenkins failing to list the changes detected from git repositories
- JENKINS-54070 CLOSED Support for Jenkinsfile declarative pipelines
- JENKINS-54060 OPEN Compatibility with Jenkins 2.x
- JENKINS-54048 OPEN Fetch single commit only
- JENKINS-54042 RESOLVED Fix some misconfiguration between connect time and read timeout
- JENKINS-54032 CLOSED ArgumentsActionImpl should protect against storing bizarre step arguments
- JENKINS-54029 RESOLVED Backporting telemetry from 2.147
- JENKINS-54020 OPEN Use desktop layout for 960px width
- JENKINS-54016 OPEN Independent plot data table option
- JENKINS-54013 CLOSED Disable deferred wipeout
- JENKINS-54011 CLOSED Prevent duplicate triggers for the same generated artifacts
- JENKINS-53997 OPEN TFS plugin should have option to delete workspace at end of job
- JENKINS-53993 OPEN Provide recursive processing of jobs referenced in jobcopy plugin
- JENKINS-53982 CLOSED Include version in Jenkins.war and *.hpi file names
- JENKINS-53981 OPEN Implement pipeline support in CppNCSS plugin
- JENKINS-53967 CLOSED Looking for option to find git push user
- JENKINS-53950 OPEN Support configuration as code
- JENKINS-53935 OPEN Tests: Introduce a "SmokeTest" category in the Core's JTH test suite
- JENKINS-53933 OPEN set file permission on ssh key when on windows to enable OpenSSH client
- JENKINS-53914 OPEN Create synthetic failed test cases when a plugin's tests cannot be run at all
- JENKINS-53913 IN REVIEW Customizable graceful shutdown timeout in vSphere Could plugin
- JENKINS-53898 OPEN Email-Ext Plugin configuration lacks Attach Build Log default settings
- JENKINS-53891 OPEN Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.11+
- JENKINS-53890 OPEN Add lockable resources support on metrics plugin
- JENKINS-53889 OPEN Support post conditions that accept a range of stage statuses
- JENKINS-53873 CLOSED events listeners failures cause build to fail
- JENKINS-53871 OPEN Consider waiting for lock in "timings" and build status overview?
- JENKINS-53868 OPEN Show full date and time when stage triggered
- JENKINS-53864 OPEN CasC compatibility with Log Parser Plugin
- JENKINS-53854 OPEN Timestamp evergreen-client logs
- JENKINS-53852 OPEN A way to provide url of jenkins where to approve. Now a fixed "" is used
- JENKINS-53850 OPEN Could we have a possibility to provide url of bitbucket to use via setting. Now the plugin uses a fixed "" url is used.
- JENKINS-53847 IN REVIEW Improve JavaDoc for Util.fixNull
- JENKINS-53845 OPEN Refactor CLI Return code to avoid magical numbers everywhere
- JENKINS-53842 RESOLVED Upgrade Maven version used for Blue Ocean CI
- JENKINS-53833 OPEN Support GitHub org-level hook without GitHub Organization folder/job
- JENKINS-53831 CLOSED Stop displaying warnings when using withMaven in a Kubernetes agent
- JENKINS-53829 OPEN Preserve Build History Search in URL
- JENKINS-53817 RESOLVED Allow custom workspace in declarative pipeline Kubernetes plugin
- JENKINS-53811 OPEN Enable Sentry Release Tracking feature
- JENKINS-53809 OPEN There is no correct "lastBuild" link when using the BlueOcean view.
- JENKINS-53802 OPEN evergreen url requires trailing slash
- JENKINS-53800 OPEN Whitelisting misc. methods
- JENKINS-53799 OPEN ProcessTree API should support long PIDs in Java 9+
- JENKINS-53798 RESOLVED Add ability to suppress multibranch scan on build
- JENKINS-53793 OPEN Jenkins core: HashSet of URLs in ClassicPluginStrategy
- JENKINS-53790 OPEN Kubernetes plugin shows failing templates to only admins
- JENKINS-53778 OPEN jenkinsfile-runner needs verbose output or logs
- JENKINS-53771 OPEN Include vSphere Cloud in Cloud Statistics report
- JENKINS-53769 OPEN Check dependants plugins before disabling a plugin
- JENKINS-53768 RESOLVED JEP-214 LTS backport
- JENKINS-53758 OPEN Permit notifyBitbucket without workspace present
- JENKINS-53754 OPEN svn, git plugin have different interfaces, and not good pipeline documentation
- JENKINS-53746 OPEN Add a new template to SOME docker clouds
- JENKINS-53744 OPEN Use one agent for parallel stages
- JENKINS-53740 CLOSED Introduce a way how to disable deferred Wipeout
- JENKINS-53734 IN REVIEW Declarative pipeline - Support for parallel stages inside sequential stages
- JENKINS-53728 OPEN No such method if git-client 3.0.0 beta is used with declarative pipeline
- JENKINS-53726 OPEN Rename of the plugin
- JENKINS-53721 RESOLVED Add support for setting envVars.Platform
- JENKINS-53718 OPEN Add instructions for remoting kafka global configuration
- JENKINS-53717 RESOLVED Keep extension point inside the plugin
- JENKINS-53706 OPEN Fingerprinting Artifacts in a pipeline script without fingerprint plugin should be reported
- JENKINS-53703 OPEN Unable to see Online Results During the load runner test
- JENKINS-54705 OPEN Jenkins slave agent does not start
- JENKINS-54704 OPEN Problem with some paths (folder) blue ocean jenkins Nginx reverse proxy
- JENKINS-54703 OPEN Body font-size gets overridden on analysis report page
- JENKINS-54700 OPEN Findbugs SAXParser not found
- JENKINS-54699 OPEN Durable Task Version 1.28 break jenkins pipeline
- JENKINS-54698 OPEN Jenkins in Docker invoke gradle build failed after the local docker become a swarm manager
- JENKINS-54696 CLOSED handle 502 Octane's response as temporary error for any flow
- JENKINS-54695 OPEN every build fail except first one
- JENKINS-54691 OPEN git plugins error
- JENKINS-54690 RESOLVED System configuration page error
- JENKINS-54689 OPEN Incorrect display build duration time
- JENKINS-54688 OPEN Operating System informations are anonymized
- JENKINS-54684 OPEN ERROR: [Sun Nov 18 07:58:23 UTC 2018] Could not fetch branches from source guid
- JENKINS-54683 OPEN Pods entering error state
- JENKINS-54681 OPEN dir('path') is broken when used within "docker.image().inside{}"
- JENKINS-54680 OPEN Compressed build logs not rendering with update to workflow-job plugin >= 2.26
- JENKINS-54679 OPEN SSHLauncher doesn't continue retrying to connect to remote executor
- JENKINS-54678 OPEN Logs are lost in Multibranch Pipleline after the build has finished
- JENKINS-54677 OPEN Switching container does not switch filesystem
- JENKINS-54676 OPEN Error Creating Flownodes causes Jenkins to not add to queue or mark builds finished
- JENKINS-54673 OPEN currentBuild.getBuildCauses(type) fails when type is a cause contributed by a plugin
- JENKINS-54672 OPEN TFS Plugin TFVC Does Not Pull All Project Files to Workspace
- JENKINS-54671 OPEN Script not found results in success in durable-task-plugin
- JENKINS-54670 OPEN Continous builds upon bitbuckt pull request
- JENKINS-54667 OPEN Getting Error while accessing Performance Report
- JENKINS-54663 OPEN Unable to run Perfromance Center scenario from Jenkins
- JENKINS-54661 CLOSED DataSource properties are ignored
- JENKINS-54660 OPEN CPU load at 100% across all cores requires machine restart to resolve
- JENKINS-54659 OPEN broken layout at setup
- JENKINS-54657 OPEN dropWhile doesn't behave correctly
- JENKINS-54656 OPEN cvs plugin broken - not possible to add new projects
- JENKINS-54655 OPEN declarative library fails to override implicitly loaded library
- JENKINS-54654 OPEN A recent update breaks builds by escaping slashes to percent signs in workspace paths
- JENKINS-54652 OPEN [Groovy] Invalid switch case flow on empty "block"
- JENKINS-54651 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Refusing to marshal net.sf.json.JSONObject
- JENKINS-54646 RESOLVED External jars in shared libraries are always executed on master
- JENKINS-54644 OPEN parameter with null value breaks global env variables
- JENKINS-54643 OPEN A connection interruption causes the pipeline to fail when USE_WATCHING=true
- JENKINS-54642 OPEN Problem in saving configuration
- JENKINS-54641 RESOLVED UnsupportedOperation Flooding Jenkins Master
- JENKINS-54640 RESOLVED Workspace folders are not unique
- JENKINS-54639 OPEN Multibranch: Delete Pipeline should fail when builds are kept forever
- JENKINS-54638 OPEN P4 Plugin: "cleanup true" missing cleaning other P4Clients during Parallel Stages
- JENKINS-54634 CLOSED Jenkins restart wipes out Cucumber Reports
- JENKINS-54630 OPEN Scan Organization Folder fails when a repository is deleted but configured to redirect
- JENKINS-54629 OPEN Proceed button not working in classic view
- JENKINS-54628 OPEN Poll error when no view in Manual workspace for stream
- JENKINS-54627 OPEN Lock label does not work with upstream trigger
- JENKINS-54626 OPEN Build Issue in Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline Jobs.
- JENKINS-54625 OPEN FATAL: Could not initialize class
- JENKINS-54623 OPEN Jenkins changes config.xml but doesn't pick up the changes on restart
- JENKINS-54622 OPEN [MC 3.0] [Jenkins latest Version] when trying to add server for testing in jenkins page, it will return exception "url MUST NOT be null nor empty"
- JENKINS-54621 OPEN List subversion tags: list branches / tags in subfolders recursively
- JENKINS-54619 OPEN Job import fails with NoClassDefFoundError exception
- JENKINS-54618 OPEN Pipeline powershell step hangs if a function is called from powershell workflow
- JENKINS-54617 REOPENED email-ext-plugin in Pipeline does not send email to group email id
- JENKINS-54616 OPEN TFS checkout gives versionControl exception randomly after updating to 2.151
- JENKINS-54615 OPEN Periodic java.lang.NullPointerException when collecting details for Pipeline builds
- JENKINS-54613 CLOSED is extremely difficult/impossible to triage
- JENKINS-54612 OPEN Reference repo not used for Git clones on Windows SSH agents
- JENKINS-54611 OPEN Timestamper does not work properly with Windows style line endings
- JENKINS-54610 OPEN Race condition when polling for changes triggered by web hook
- JENKINS-54609 OPEN Approve assuming permission check for parameters change actions
- JENKINS-54607 IN REVIEW Timeout step ignores "Grace Period" before force killing
- JENKINS-54604 OPEN checkUpdatesServer fails to use SSL
- JENKINS-54603 OPEN Memory leak in remoting causes Jenkins to crash
- JENKINS-54597 CLOSED helloooooo
- JENKINS-54596 OPEN can't parse argument number: changelog.url
- JENKINS-54595 OPEN Adding a new target is not working
- JENKINS-54593 OPEN jenkins is hanging after clean the system cache
- JENKINS-54592 OPEN Sorting arrows show in wrong direction in dashboard
- JENKINS-54591 CLOSED test
- JENKINS-54590 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED NPE on line 441 if the job config XML is missing <target>
- JENKINS-54589 CLOSED Builds are failing with timeout during checkout. Issue will be fixed only after the server restart where Jenkins is installed. Intermittent issue but happening frequently. Please assist on this.
- JENKINS-54588 OPEN Docker jenkins can't create first user
- JENKINS-54587 CLOSED Upon restart, MySql driver not registered
- JENKINS-54586 RESOLVED Cannot mix dockerfile and non docker agents in a pipeline
- JENKINS-54585 CLOSED SamlSecurityRealm constructor error with argument binding with Groovy
- JENKINS-54583 OPEN Requests to job view/api trigger failing requests to sonar results
- JENKINS-54582 OPEN How to get a list of all Freestyle jobs from a Pipeline job?
- JENKINS-54578 IN REVIEW Cannot delete last category
- JENKINS-54577 OPEN Remove github server in "Configure System" page does not have any effect
- JENKINS-54576 IN PROGRESS hockeapp-plugin fails in pipeline because of missing 'baseUrlHolder'
- JENKINS-54575 OPEN JEP-200 Publish Over SSH Plugin
- JENKINS-54574 CLOSED Err message if not waiting for job to complete
- JENKINS-54573 OPEN secret file not accesible to containerized stages
- JENKINS-54571 OPEN Problem with jcasc compatibility plugin and job priority in Jenkins
- JENKINS-54570 OPEN Duplication of button click when uploading plugin
- JENKINS-54569 OPEN java.lang.NullPointerException when upding status in TFS/Team Services
- JENKINS-54568 OPEN authorizationMatrix does not work in declarative snippet generator
- JENKINS-54566 RESOLVED Failed to execute command Pipe.Flush
- JENKINS-54565 CLOSED added matrix-bases security plugin, then user, saved and got stack trace
- JENKINS-54564 OPEN Jenkins master CPU pegs to >= 18% - Killing telemetry collection thread seems to fix it
- JENKINS-54563 OPEN NPE when connecting via SSH to Docker via hostname
- JENKINS-54562 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Jenkins will not start as Window Service error 1053
- JENKINS-54561 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Job fails even though it succeeded: Java 10
- JENKINS-54560 OPEN InfluxDB cannot collect Sonarqube data
- JENKINS-54559 CLOSED Build result regression since pipeline-maven 3.5.15 for failing tests (UNSTABLE)
- JENKINS-54558 OPEN Debian package update failed because setup step tries to restart Jenkins service
- JENKINS-54557 OPEN hudson.AbortException: Ansible playbook execution failed
- JENKINS-54556 CLOSED The authorizationMatrix plugin doesent work with pipeline
- JENKINS-54555 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED 'stage' directive with nested 'when' and 'options' directives executes the 'options' block even if the condition is not met
- JENKINS-54551 RESOLVED Revert JENKINS-53462 if necessary
- JENKINS-54549 OPEN gitscm fail for multibranch pipeline after recent plugin upgrade
- JENKINS-54548 CLOSED Assistance with JQL Format
- JENKINS-54547 RESOLVED ERROR: Asynchronous execution failure java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException
- JENKINS-54543 CLOSED Jenkins job doesn't show commits from perforce
- JENKINS-54541 OPEN Unreserve doesn't set environment variable
- JENKINS-54540 OPEN Pods stuck in error state
- JENKINS-54538 OPEN Ability to save unmasked credentials to file
- JENKINS-54537 OPEN Scripted Pipeline does not work due to tags
- JENKINS-54534 OPEN SSH failing when HTTP proxy is in use
- JENKINS-54529 CLOSED CAN NOT get build number with jenkins API
- JENKINS-54528 OPEN Gitlab Enterprise 11 API v3 group no longer supported
- JENKINS-54527 OPEN Delivery Pipeline plugin - "Enable Start of new build" - "Build Now" button should get replaced with "Build with parameters" if pipeline has parameteres
- JENKINS-54526 OPEN jira version 2.150 java.lang.NullPointerException at hudson.scm.CvsRepository.<init>(
- JENKINS-54525 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED java.lang.NullPointerException at hudson.scm.CvsRepository.<init>(
- JENKINS-54524 OPEN Improper Encoding of Sync Status
- JENKINS-54522 OPEN Host JDK Tool Plugin download failing
- JENKINS-54521 OPEN vSphere plugin fails to recognise its own VMs
- JENKINS-54520 OPEN Abort job won't abort publish-over-cifs-plugin step
- JENKINS-54518 OPEN Multibranch pipeline: Incorrect branch sort order for plain Git sources
- JENKINS-54517 OPEN Broken links to gitea web UI in Jenkins job sidebar
- JENKINS-54516 OPEN Repository polling fails when pull requests are disabled
- JENKINS-54515 OPEN master triggers own branches
- JENKINS-54513 OPEN Builds occupying executor but not running
- JENKINS-54512 OPEN can not change workspace in k8s pipeline
- JENKINS-54511 OPEN When using the SpecWorkspaceImpl workspaces are update twice every build
- JENKINS-54510 OPEN Job dsl doesn't update script approval when job already exists
- JENKINS-54509 OPEN gerrit trigger parameters description show 'null' on the web
- JENKINS-54508 CLOSED The <useSecurity>false</useSecurity> changes to <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> in config.xml if the value of the tag has been changed explicitly.
- JENKINS-54507 CLOSED pipeline_data is not pushing to influxdb
- JENKINS-54506 OPEN Some compiler warnings are misidentified as Javadoc warnings
- JENKINS-54504 OPEN Performance issue with promoted builds and Git branch parameter
- JENKINS-54503 OPEN Ansible tower plugin 0.9.0 issue with Tower 3.3.1
- JENKINS-54502 OPEN Jenkins crashed when a build was aborted due to timeout.
- JENKINS-54501 OPEN ClassCastException in SonarUtils getPersistentActions
- JENKINS-54500 OPEN Charset not respected in parallel sync
- JENKINS-54499 OPEN Loosing connection to Docker container
- JENKINS-54498 CLOSED Version Creation now requires version code which breaks binary compatibility
- JENKINS-54497 OPEN Too many Bitbucket git checkouts on Master at the same time
- JENKINS-54494 OPEN Selecting "Use project rule" but leaving the entry field empty, make the job aborted w/o clear pointer to the cause
- JENKINS-54493 OPEN ALM Octane CI in Configure System throws exception
- JENKINS-54492 OPEN checkout scm information no longer injected into environment in pipeline job
- JENKINS-54486 IN PROGRESS Not created JIRA issue after build failed
- JENKINS-54485 OPEN Add testing of Demos to Jenkinsfile
- JENKINS-54484 OPEN JDK11: JBoss marshalling Upgrade to 2.x causes incompatible changes for running Pipelines
- JENKINS-54483 OPEN Publish html show 404 not found
- JENKINS-54482 OPEN Sending POST-Request for input-step again lets the pipeline fail
- JENKINS-54481 RESOLVED [Pipeline Aggregator View] Stages cannot be clicked in
- JENKINS-54480 OPEN ConcurrentModificationException in CPS VM thread (CpsFlowExecution): org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.DSL
- JENKINS-54479 OPEN androidApkMove not moving Release Notes between Tracks
- JENKINS-54478 OPEN unable to integrate jenkins cvs
- JENKINS-54477 OPEN email-ext unable to correctly determine status of pipeline build (especially after JENKINS-27395)
- JENKINS-54476 OPEN JNLP Agent disconnected, having issues connecting to master.
- JENKINS-54475 OPEN p4sync hangs at "p4 sync -f -q"
- JENKINS-54474 OPEN Variables not resolving in SSH Steps plugin
- JENKINS-54473 CLOSED ECS plugin cannot start Windows containers
- JENKINS-54472 OPEN Pin build at Perforce Label does not support variable expansion
- JENKINS-54471 CLOSED Unity3D Plugin -logfile argmuent not creating log file
- JENKINS-54469 OPEN Unable to set Thread Executor Size when configuring Jira Plugin
- JENKINS-54468 OPEN Not applicable Branch Build Strategies are available in the Organization UI
- JENKINS-54466 RESOLVED HPIs should be renamed JPIs after download
- JENKINS-54465 OPEN Instances sometimes stay disconnected
- JENKINS-54464 OPEN Customization for Blue Ocean logo
- JENKINS-54458 OPEN regression in UFT discovery when new Jenkins plugin is used with old Octane - tests are not reported to Octane
- JENKINS-54457 CLOSED Cucumber Reports not working in Blue Ocean
- JENKINS-54456 OPEN using repoOwner and configure block creates two organizations
- JENKINS-54454 RESOLVED evergreen not available after restart on aws
- JENKINS-54448 OPEN Azure VM Agent does not work with Custom Managed Image with Unmanaged disk
- JENKINS-54447 RESOLVED Everyone with limited permissions can read configs
- JENKINS-54443 OPEN Loadrunner controller not displayed while running the test from Jenkins
- JENKINS-54438 OPEN Documentation is not generating for wait parameter in build job
- JENKINS-54436 OPEN change environment variable name: HP_RUN_ID
- JENKINS-54432 RESOLVED Cannot use Gerrit as anonymous multi-branch source
- JENKINS-54431 CLOSED Error with Java 11 and jacoco-plugin 3.0.3
- JENKINS-54430 OPEN Build Job Changes render incorrectly, transforming Jira issue URLs into text instead of links
- JENKINS-54428 RESOLVED ECS plugin fails if task definition ARN is used
- JENKINS-54426 OPEN Jenkinsfile Runner fails on Java 11
- JENKINS-54425 OPEN "update plugin to a version created with a newer harness" warnings in the default STDOUT
- JENKINS-54421 OPEN Configure page show Oops page after Installation of Artifactory Plugin
- JENKINS-54417 CLOSED jenkins upgrade to version 2.138.2,error occurred when click the Login button
- JENKINS-54416 RESOLVED Configure Systems Page Showing Oops Page. Unable to Save
- JENKINS-54415 OPEN jep-200 issue w/ matrix reloaded plugin
- JENKINS-54414 RESOLVED NullPointerException when packaging IPA
- JENKINS-54413 CLOSED DocLinks Uses HTML Frames
- JENKINS-54411 RESOLVED Configure page show Oops page (/configure)
- JENKINS-54409 OPEN It doesn;t like my password
- JENKINS-54408 OPEN docker exec runs as root within docker.image.inside which docker run runs as the jenkins user
- JENKINS-54407 OPEN docker exec fails within docker.image.inside because of empty environment variable name
- JENKINS-54406 OPEN [JEP-200] Failed to serialize class
- JENKINS-54405 RESOLVED New Relic Deployment Notifier Plugin fails to notify New Relic of Deployment
- JENKINS-54403 OPEN Job fail when GitHub tag was recreated
- JENKINS-54402 OPEN Pipeline Syntax page is missing the dropdown for supported parsers
- JENKINS-54401 RESOLVED NPE when parsing scm git revision date on PR branches
- JENKINS-54400 OPEN parallel sh step with returnStatus: true causing build failure
- JENKINS-54399 RESOLVED Configuration page no longer loads
- JENKINS-54397 IN REVIEW Microfocus Health Analyzer all checks are executed on Master instead of Slave
- JENKINS-54396 RESOLVED `Configure System` page doesn't work after upgrading to 2.138.2
- JENKINS-54394 OPEN Publish Over SSH plugin jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection. Message: [Failed to change to remote directory [D:]] Error
- JENKINS-54393 OPEN Active choices does not work correctly with same name jobs under different folders
- JENKINS-54392 CLOSED EC2 Plugin Does Not Start Stopped Nodes
- JENKINS-54390 OPEN Convert To Pipeline 1.0 throws NullPointerException
- JENKINS-54389 OPEN Containers with ENTRYPOINT is not started correctly
- JENKINS-54388 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED [Jenkins Plugin] [5.6] When pointing to sepcific tenant in jenkins Open MC wizard sometimes it will show "cannot login"
- JENKINS-54387 OPEN [Jenkins Plugin 5.6] [Update Job] Sometimes when trying to save the setting from MC wizard to Jenkins page it will failed.
- JENKINS-54386 OPEN preserveStashes does not work with parameter
- JENKINS-54382 CLOSED Lightweight Checkout failure to find jenkinsfile when jenkinsfile is in a subfolder
- JENKINS-54379 OPEN Jenkins gradle java.lang.interrupted exception for Jbehave Automated test
- JENKINS-54378 RESOLVED Pipeline templates in parallel blocks are interpreted as being "nested"
- JENKINS-54376 OPEN needs documentation
- JENKINS-54374 OPEN Jenkins never start on raspberry pi
- JENKINS-54372 RESOLVED NoStaplerConstructorException on jenkins.plugins.git.MergeWithGitSCMExtension
- JENKINS-54371 OPEN Monitoring plugin not pushing slave metrics to InfluxDB
- JENKINS-54370 OPEN false positive SCM triggers
- JENKINS-54369 OPEN Env-inject writing \u0000 in injectedEnvVars.txt from windows slave
- JENKINS-54367 OPEN Cannot Rollback/Downgrade jenkins to a previous version after upgrading to a higher version
- JENKINS-54366 OPEN Ansible tower 3.3 with plugins 0.9 have issue in workflow extra variables passing
- JENKINS-54365 OPEN Branch and commit fields are empty in BlueOcean UI Header-details element
- JENKINS-54364 OPEN Item specific security does not work in my case
- JENKINS-54363 OPEN ERROR: Could not send email as a part of the post-build publishers.
- JENKINS-54362 RESOLVED java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize hudson.model.Actionable#actions for class hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild
- JENKINS-54360 OPEN octane configuration - the jenkins user field description is not clear
- JENKINS-54358 RESOLVED AWS flavor got broken by a wrong update
- JENKINS-54357 OPEN withCredentials + file does not work with the same credentialsId across stages
- JENKINS-54355 OPEN ClassNotFound: java.sql.Date in JDK 11
- JENKINS-54354 RESOLVED Jenkins Window slave can not fetch from bitbucket
- JENKINS-54349 OPEN Logs are not correctly shown when parallel stage are skipped by when directive
- JENKINS-54347 CLOSED SchemaDVFactoryImpl NoClassDefFoundError with xUnit 2.3.1
- JENKINS-54346 OPEN tee keeps file open
- JENKINS-54341 OPEN Ansible Tower Plugin 0.9.0 not compatible with Tower 3.2.5
- JENKINS-54340 OPEN CWP throws error if pom.xml is used for plugins and casc for configuration
- JENKINS-54339 OPEN Jenkins Configuration Page Loading Forever
- JENKINS-54338 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Затирается значение в поле ввода
- JENKINS-54335 OPEN Upstream Downstream Column plugin displays wrong data
- JENKINS-54334 OPEN git-plugin ignores 'gitTool' when multiple git tools are configured on the master
- JENKINS-54333 OPEN Projects are triggered twice by "build with parameters"
- JENKINS-54331 OPEN Bitbucket Minimum Successful Merge Check does not work from Bitbucket Branch Source version 2.2.13
- JENKINS-54330 OPEN While updating jenkins from 2.3 gets OOPS A problem occurred while processing the request.
- JENKINS-54329 OPEN Jenkins Does Not Use Private IP Address by Default For VPC+PublicIP Slaves
- JENKINS-54328 OPEN When using blueocean-pipeline editor with when conditions in JenkinsFile we get errors about "Empty closure" and "Expected When Condition"
- JENKINS-54326 OPEN JUnit fails on remote node after upgrading to 1.26.1
- JENKINS-54319 OPEN java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 failed to render Test Results Graph
- JENKINS-54318 OPEN Jenkins Upgrade Now deletes new .war at restart
- JENKINS-54315 CLOSED Instances sometimes stay disconnected
- JENKINS-54314 RESOLVED LR 5.6 jenkins features break backwards compatibility
- JENKINS-54313 OPEN null pointer com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes_credentials_provider.SecretUtils.getKeyName(
- JENKINS-54312 RESOLVED Change LR Script Report to LR VuGen Report
- JENKINS-54311 OPEN Create user with . in name doesn't work
- JENKINS-54310 RESOLVED Stream is closed when the CLI has not read entirely the input
- JENKINS-54309 OPEN Plugin builds Pull Requests on Jenkins Master, ignores Jenkins Workers
- JENKINS-54308 RESOLVED Change "I" in "Average Transaction Response Time" to lowercase in Performance Project Report
- JENKINS-54307 OPEN Plot plugin is not working for zero values on logaritmic scale
- JENKINS-54306 RESOLVED Move Chart Context Menu icon up in LoadRunner Performance Result/Transaction Summary reports
- JENKINS-54305 OPEN Oracle JDK 10 not available anymore - Oracle JDK 11 is not free
- JENKINS-54304 IN REVIEW Jobs in parallel dont display the variant they are running.
- JENKINS-54302 CLOSED silently close octane log (SDK managed)
- JENKINS-54301 CLOSED silently close uft dispatcher queue on Jenkins shutdown
- JENKINS-54300 CLOSED silently close uft dispatcher queue on Jenkins shutdown
- JENKINS-54299 CLOSED Jenkins failed to start after updating pluins and restart
- JENKINS-54298 OPEN Jenkins crashes with Deadlock with EC2 Plugin
- JENKINS-54296 OPEN Docker cannot be used right after agent provisioning without sudo
- JENKINS-54295 IN REVIEW Firefox version in newer jenkins/ath docker image is not compatible with ATH selenium
- JENKINS-54294 OPEN fix status request in octane multi configuration
- JENKINS-54286 CLOSED Unable to use variable tokens as build property values in Create Package in Declarative Script
- JENKINS-54285 OPEN Changeset not reflective of Pull Request
- JENKINS-54283 OPEN BuildFailureAnalyzer- donotscan=false not working if plugin is installed but not enabled to scan the build
- JENKINS-54282 OPEN Jenkins stuck on 'Please wait while Jenkins is getting ready to work' after pressing 'Reload Configuration from Disk'
- JENKINS-54281 OPEN Test Result Trend is broken
- JENKINS-54278 OPEN Pipeline builds fail when cleanWs() in post stage
- JENKINS-54277 OPEN StackOverflowError: Excessively nested closures/functions
- JENKINS-54275 RESOLVED (Google Apps/SAML) org.pac4j.saml.exceptions.SAMLException: Authentication issue instant is too old
- JENKINS-54274 OPEN issues with test report results
- JENKINS-54273 OPEN RAW HTML is shown in maven deployment links since 2.138.2
- JENKINS-54272 OPEN Bibucket Plugin is not triggering the job because of minimal url mismatch (".*/scm/.*")
- JENKINS-54270 OPEN Clicking graph on JUnit History defaults to port 8080
- JENKINS-54263 RESOLVED Fix/make sure the AWS flavor still works
- JENKINS-54262 OPEN Groovy Postbuild requires Overall/Administer permission
- JENKINS-54261 OPEN Submit ( go ) on Email Template Testing produces blank screen
- JENKINS-54260 OPEN Fails when notifying for merged PR build
- JENKINS-54259 OPEN "Missing End Delimiter" when creating the first admin account
- JENKINS-54258 OPEN Build stops Jenkins server and build.xml is missing
- JENKINS-54257 RESOLVED Infinite loop when an exception occurs on slave
- JENKINS-54256 OPEN Pipeline stages can be nested indefinitely
- JENKINS-54255 CLOSED xUnit sets build status incorrectly
- JENKINS-54254 OPEN Can't use credentials provided by "Folder Credentials" provider
- JENKINS-54253 CLOSED fix SSC (Fortify) integration
- JENKINS-54252 CLOSED unstash very slow blocked on SecureRandom
- JENKINS-54251 CLOSED RunResults throws NullPointerException
- JENKINS-54249 OPEN GitHub Commit Status Setter - Cannot retrieve Git metadata
- JENKINS-54248 OPEN readJSON exposes text data, which could contain secured things
- JENKINS-54246 OPEN publishCppcheck in pipeline fails job not stage
- JENKINS-54244 OPEN Calling a function through a pointer with null parameter fails
- JENKINS-54243 CLOSED Wipeout logging to slave doesn't work
- JENKINS-54242 OPEN Redundant runs using Poll SCM (No changes)
- JENKINS-54241 CLOSED Log parser not displaying full log
- JENKINS-54240 OPEN buildDescription column not available for jobDSL
- JENKINS-54238 OPEN Issue in created merged Result.html file
- JENKINS-54236 OPEN Jenkins doesn't send SIGTERM to job
- JENKINS-54235 CLOSED Parameterized scheduler not triggering daily builds
- JENKINS-54234 OPEN p4 sync sometimes produces no file, or empty file, when readFile is used immediately after
- JENKINS-54233 OPEN Pipeline Script textarea missing
- JENKINS-54232 OPEN Jenkins worker unable to start SPOT instance.
- JENKINS-54230 OPEN ArrayList join produces join of only first item
- JENKINS-54229 OPEN Vsphere plugin job fails after snapshot
- JENKINS-54228 RESOLVED xunit fails to validate XML surefire report of Maven Surefire Plugin since version 2.22.1
- JENKINS-54226 OPEN Script not approved for use exception at the end of every build log - even for jobs with no groovy scripts
- JENKINS-54225 OPEN Using disableDeferredWipeout within pipeline job results in no deleted workspace
- JENKINS-54224 IN REVIEW Rework all json construction
- JENKINS-54223 RESOLVED Job configurations displayed incorrectly (raw)
- JENKINS-54222 CLOSED p4-plugin keeps opening connection during the build. Causing long delays
- JENKINS-54219 OPEN rich-text-publisher-plugin rendering broken with 2.146
- JENKINS-54218 OPEN Job DSL API in groovy for Office 365 Connector
- JENKINS-54217 CLOSED Simple wipeout doesn't work correctly when an issue occurred during launch an agent
- JENKINS-54216 OPEN NPE when calculating culprits
- JENKINS-54215 OPEN NullPointerException when the build result is null
- JENKINS-54213 OPEN MAC OS linked clone
- JENKINS-54209 OPEN Can't read file: Can't access the file
- JENKINS-54206 RESOLVED Merged PRs not being removed from multibranch
- JENKINS-54205 OPEN Blue Ocean Editor modifies a declarative Jenkinsfile without warning
- JENKINS-54203 OPEN Localized Login button: wrong encoding, shows : Iniciar sesión
- JENKINS-54202 OPEN Too much output from SH executor causes the agent to freeze
- JENKINS-54200 OPEN 我需要在我的平台上集成jinkens 然后创建job的时候有问题
- JENKINS-54199 OPEN Error loading Blue Ocean for Project
- JENKINS-54198 OPEN Results are overriden with parallel builds
- JENKINS-54196 OPEN Regression: jnidispatch (/com/sun/jna/linux-ppc64/ not found in resource path
- JENKINS-54190 RESOLVED All of the parallel stages with a regression post trigger will trigger if one of the stages fail.
- JENKINS-54189 IN REVIEW several minor issues
- JENKINS-54187 OPEN EC2 Plugin deadlock leaving Jenkins unresponsive
- JENKINS-54186 IN PROGRESS No @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMSourceDefaults
- JENKINS-54184 CLOSED manager.removeSummaries() throws UnsupportedOperationException
- JENKINS-54181 RESOLVED Performance Plugin - Performance report displayed incorrect when compare Reports with Build number
- JENKINS-54180 CLOSED Git ssh error
- JENKINS-54179 OPEN Test result does not include tests that failed in BeforeClass
- JENKINS-54178 OPEN Jenkins loses build history
- JENKINS-54177 OPEN Multibranch Pipeline and MercurialSCM and Windows node and subrepos
- JENKINS-54176 OPEN CLI AuthenticationCache is not working with -remoting + @CLIMethod
- JENKINS-54173 RESOLVED Upgrade commons-compress in plugin/pom.xml to 1.18
- JENKINS-54172 OPEN Unhelpful NPEs are being logged
- JENKINS-54170 OPEN Kubernetes agent does not connect on first several attempts
- JENKINS-54169 OPEN Download of newer version does not use proxy configuration
- JENKINS-54168 OPEN Jacoco: "RuntimeException: While reading class directory"
- JENKINS-54167 RESOLVED Hide Evergreen Jenkins plugin for non-evergreen installs
- JENKINS-54166 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Date parameter is lost upon restart
- JENKINS-54165 OPEN nexusPublisher throws exceptions "Bad Request Error" after upgrade
- JENKINS-54162 CLOSED Cannot delete pod that doesn't start properly
- JENKINS-54161 OPEN remote job being triggered twice
- JENKINS-54160 REOPENED Script Security: org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod Globals getNumber_of_quarantaene
- JENKINS-54157 OPEN Unstable builds are marked as FAILED in Bitbucket
- JENKINS-54156 OPEN Fails to run when non "Default" version is used
- JENKINS-54155 OPEN Jobs using docker agents disrupt each other if triggered simultaneously
- JENKINS-54148 OPEN Failure in case node name contains space: Illegal char <">
- JENKINS-54147 OPEN SSH protocol not supported
- JENKINS-54146 OPEN Job History Plugin 2.18.2 - XML view not working
- JENKINS-54144 RESOLVED Job fails as JiraSCMListsener/JiraSite potentially creating Executor with 0 threads
- JENKINS-54143 OPEN Cannot create new users in 2.138.2
- JENKINS-54142 RESOLVED Refusing to marshal jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BPInstanceConfig for security reasons
- JENKINS-54141 OPEN After downgrading a plugin the status page doesn't indicate "Pending restart"
- JENKINS-54140 OPEN Unable to archive report when run UFT test from file system
- JENKINS-54139 CLOSED Jacoco report rendering problem in multi module projects
- JENKINS-54135 CLOSED Thread unsafe behavior in UserLanguages telemetry
- JENKINS-54134 OPEN OAuth / OpenID Connect support for Jenkins API
- JENKINS-54133 RESOLVED No ANSI coloring on slave agents in pipeline
- JENKINS-54131 CLOSED "Failed to parse changelog" in JIRA plugin 3.0.3
- JENKINS-54130 RESOLVED Fix Kafka agent docker build
- JENKINS-54128 REOPENED Deprecated calls to Run.getLogFile
- JENKINS-54126 OPEN Jenkinsfile not found in PR on GitHub
- JENKINS-54124 OPEN Raw HTML when Stapler Security Hardening enabled
- JENKINS-54123 OPEN NPE when loading jenkins home page
- JENKINS-54121 RESOLVED Renaming jobs casue Jenkins crash
- JENKINS-54120 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Output directory or source file null.
- JENKINS-54119 OPEN ESlint rules are not applied on the client
- JENKINS-54117 CLOSED [Jenkins Plugin] [5.5.2] Cannot stop executing the job on Jenkins side (Already checked UFT log no stop replay send to MC)
- JENKINS-54116 OPEN Jenkins Jira Plugin - Unable to add version
- JENKINS-54115 OPEN Remote Invocation of Jenkins API when using Azure AD Plugin
- JENKINS-54114 OPEN Why am I getting an error as couldn't find ssh agent even though the ssh agent is ruining in Jenkins?
- JENKINS-54113 RESOLVED NullPointerException in XcodeProjectParser.listXcodeSchemes
- JENKINS-54112 OPEN Jenkins fails to restart after EC2 plugin upgrade
- JENKINS-54111 CLOSED disableDeferredWipeout error with workspace cleanup plugin 0.35
- JENKINS-54110 OPEN Pipeline's dir() does not work with symlinks
- JENKINS-54109 OPEN safeRestart is not safe when pipelines are run on ephemeral slaves
- JENKINS-54108 OPEN "JIRA: Progress issues by workflow action" fails when job is located within a folder
- JENKINS-54107 OPEN raw HTML output when Stapler Security Hardening enabled
- JENKINS-54106 OPEN Long delay from github webhook to polling when polling threads all busy
- JENKINS-54105 CLOSED Maven Event Spy InterruptedException
- JENKINS-54104 OPEN Blueocean cannot display 10 downstream jobs
- JENKINS-54103 OPEN Gather feedback from people with Jenkins support experience to validate the rollback/crashes scenarios
- JENKINS-54102 OPEN Endless builds with local branch checked out
- JENKINS-54101 OPEN kubernetes for multibranchPipelineJob (save folder first)
- JENKINS-54099 IN REVIEW Warnings about "Failed Jenkins SSE Gateway configuration request. Unknown SSE event dispatcher" in Evergreen
- JENKINS-54098 OPEN github webhook not working with dynamic feature branch
- JENKINS-54097 OPEN git config --get submodule fails with GIT_SSH credentials
- JENKINS-54096 OPEN The option of 'Use Gitlab repository permissions' is useless for Multi Branch Pipeline Jobs
- JENKINS-54095 OPEN Extra character in output when running inside a container
- JENKINS-54094 REOPENED Multiple octane tests are failing
- JENKINS-54093 RESOLVED Jenkins Jira Plugin sets connection timeout to default = 10 after Jenkins restart
- JENKINS-54092 CLOSED Same user defined global step run in parallel stages gets passed incorrect variables
- JENKINS-54091 OPEN Messages with ampersands are HTML escaped
- JENKINS-54090 IN REVIEW EC2 Plugin instance cap is enforeced by AMI ID, not by per-slave template
- JENKINS-54083 CLOSED How do you run a jenkins master container on windows?
- JENKINS-54081 IN REVIEW Timestamps missing for agent-based steps in Pipeline Job 2.26
- JENKINS-54080 OPEN build-user-vars-plugin fails to find correct userId with build pipeline plugin
- JENKINS-54079 OPEN Pipeline variables not updated in agent delcaration
- JENKINS-54078 RESOLVED [JEP-210] Exception: Object was recently deallocated when using Git + timeout(activity: true)
- JENKINS-54077 RESOLVED Multiple workspaces created for same job.
- JENKINS-54076 OPEN Polling keeps building without changes on error
- JENKINS-54075 OPEN Polling Log Javascript Error: "toggle is not defined"
- JENKINS-54074 OPEN Blue Ocean is missing stages.
- JENKINS-54073 RESOLVED "Pipeline: Job" plugin causes Jenkins Master CPU to peg to ~100% during pipelines with parallel steps
- JENKINS-54071 CLOSED EC2-plugin not spooling up stopped nodes
- JENKINS-54068 RESOLVED creating properties files for managing strings used in PC classes for logs reports
- JENKINS-54067 RESOLVED workspace variable is null in pipeline as the perform with abstract build is not invoked (setting it in perform with Run build)
- JENKINS-54066 RESOLVED preventing possibility for an endless build when trend report creation cannot be started in PC (adding a second counter + timer for that effect)
- JENKINS-54065 RESOLVED updating differences between model and builder to prevent pipeline failure
- JENKINS-54064 OPEN Gradle plugin uses legacy plugin format
- JENKINS-54063 OPEN Windows slave cant be started
- JENKINS-54062 REOPENED Does not list branches when used as a parameter in pipeline script
- JENKINS-54061 CLOSED org.apache.commons.jelly.impl.TagScript.handleException
- JENKINS-54058 CLOSED Old agent.jar causes JNLP agent to fail checkout with java.lang.IllegalAccessError
- JENKINS-54055 OPEN MSDeploy ERROR_SITE_DOES_NOT_EXIST does not fail job
- JENKINS-54054 OPEN Job URL passed to webhook is incorrect (null base url) for manually triggered builds without SCM
- JENKINS-54053 OPEN Git plugin uses git.exe as default on Windows server, even for Linux agents
- JENKINS-54052 OPEN MultibranchProject ignores quietPeriod
- JENKINS-54051 OPEN GitHub-Branch-Source plugin 2.3.5 Security Update causing error in adding GitHub Enterprise Servers
- JENKINS-54050 OPEN Collection.inject fails in CPS-transformed methods with closure stored in class field
- JENKINS-54049 OPEN Am not able to upload apk to fabric beta publisher
- JENKINS-54047 RESOLVED All boolean parameters get set to true when used to set env vars.
- JENKINS-54046 RESOLVED GitHub branch souce plugin fails to move temporary files
- JENKINS-54045 OPEN Jenkinsfile in subfolder not found
- JENKINS-54044 OPEN Replay page "NOT FOUND" for branch
- JENKINS-54043 CLOSED Clicking "TestLink results" received org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException error
- JENKINS-54041 REOPENED EC2 Plugin no longer able to start build slaves
- JENKINS-54039 OPEN Calendar plugin: Future scheduled jobs not showing up
- JENKINS-54038 OPEN Jacoco creates multiple Coverage reports and Trends graphs
- JENKINS-54037 OPEN Calendar plugin: Not all jobs showing up
- JENKINS-54036 OPEN Write-Error in powershell step behaves confusingly
- JENKINS-54035 OPEN Gcc parser does not resolve absolute paths
- JENKINS-54034 OPEN "Restart Build" button in BlueOcean causes build to fail when groovy load() method is used
- JENKINS-54033 OPEN GitHub auth fails only for PR builds
- JENKINS-54031 OPEN GitHub OAuth plugin fails with Jenkins 2.146
- JENKINS-54030 CLOSED "java.lang.IllegalStateException: closed" for GitHub Branch Source 2.4.0
- JENKINS-54028 OPEN Not able to install jenkins latest war file on windows 10 getting error as plain credentials plugin 1.4 failed to load
- JENKINS-54027 RESOLVED ID analysis is already used by another action
- JENKINS-54025 OPEN Similar issues seen with P4 plugin also seen with Subversion plugin regarding triggered builds
- JENKINS-54022 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Git plugin requires Matrix Project plugin
- JENKINS-54021 OPEN Pulling alpine image fails when using custom registry for build image.
- JENKINS-54019 CLOSED programatically add GitHub Enterprise Servers in Jenkins
- JENKINS-54015 OPEN ldap authentication problem
- JENKINS-54014 OPEN Test Results Analyzer Skipped Category wrong display
- JENKINS-54012 OPEN File handle leak in Groovy Script
- JENKINS-54010 OPEN Support two levels of parallelity in stages
- JENKINS-54008 RESOLVED Loading library fails - Error fetching remote repo 'origin'
- JENKINS-54007 OPEN Cannot revoke legacy tokens or generate new ones (resources.js 404)
- JENKINS-54006 OPEN No value is passed in case of Multiple Formatted HTML Active Choice Reactive Reference parameter
- JENKINS-54005 OPEN Trying to unexport an object that's already unexported (is back)
- JENKINS-54004 CLOSED Stage graph in Blue Ocean not showing all stages for large workflows (redux)
- JENKINS-54003 IN PROGRESS Removing a kafka node and recreating a node with the same name again fails
- JENKINS-54002 IN PROGRESS Jenkins shows kafka agent as connected even when the "Remote root directory" is not accessible
- JENKINS-54001 IN PROGRESS Jenkins master does not reflect kafka agent disconnection
- JENKINS-53998 OPEN Warning logged on startup
- JENKINS-53996 OPEN Plugin version 2.7 is not backwards compatible with versions <= 2.6
- JENKINS-53995 OPEN Parallel workflow shows green while running, NOT blue ocean.
- JENKINS-53992 OPEN Multiple use of xml file in plots
- JENKINS-53991 OPEN cron job trigger for multibranchPipelineJob DSL
- JENKINS-53990 OPEN Pipeline scheduling errors do not show up in Blue Ocean
- JENKINS-53988 OPEN skipDefaultCheckout not honored in Pull Requests
- JENKINS-53987 CLOSED java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String
- JENKINS-53986 OPEN Lastest Git Tag is not pulled if you build first with a specific tag
- JENKINS-53985 OPEN Login to ALM Server at https://xxx/qcbin/ failed. Status Code: 302
- JENKINS-53984 OPEN Parallel task is showing the wrong status since moving to nested parallels.
- JENKINS-53983 RESOLVED Per-instance tainting still serves the tainted level if you're "coming from" a lower level
- JENKINS-53980 OPEN URL's are incorrect for jobs in folder structures
- JENKINS-53979 OPEN Not all jobs are reported
- JENKINS-53978 OPEN Less than sign (<) not correctly parsed in Agent Configuration History files
- JENKINS-53977 OPEN Jenkins crashed when executing a build
- JENKINS-53965 RESOLVED ConsoleLog is missing build output
- JENKINS-53964 CLOSED Drop uuid_checksum_uniq unique key constraint
- JENKINS-53963 OPEN No login methods supported exception using Poll mailbox trigger plugin
- JENKINS-53960 OPEN Mac agents fail to connect on vSphere plugin
- JENKINS-53959 OPEN Pipeline Git LFS avoid pull on Jenkins Master
- JENKINS-53958 OPEN Pipeline Jobs not started when locale master Node is offline
- JENKINS-53957 RESOLVED hpi bundles transitive dependencies of test scope dependencies
- JENKINS-53956 OPEN Pipeline job hangs forever at end
- JENKINS-53955 OPEN Move Job NullPointerException jfrog artifactory
- JENKINS-53954 OPEN Cannot connect to slave/agent Linux anymore
- JENKINS-53953 CLOSED Downstream projects are not triggered if dependencies have a non null classifier
- JENKINS-53952 OPEN Linux slaves are not starting anymore
- JENKINS-53951 OPEN withMaven fail to set maven path when global variable is set
- JENKINS-53949 OPEN Unable to see jobs in my new Jenkins ver. 2.138.1
- JENKINS-53948 OPEN HTTP Proxy Configuration
- JENKINS-53947 RESOLVED Evergreen instance fails to start with "sh: tsc: not found" error
- JENKINS-53946 CLOSED Bitbucket plugin unable to parse a Pull Request JSON Object
- JENKINS-53944 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Findbugs pulls in a very old Xerces library version
- JENKINS-53943 OPEN Parallel jobs run on the same node, though they have 2 other nodes to run on
- JENKINS-53942 OPEN Jobs using Artifactory plugin are disappeared post the plugin upgrade
- JENKINS-53940 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Octane UFT test integration - uft test discovery - localized tests name in Octane not shown correctly
- JENKINS-53939 OPEN Plot plugin configuration in pipeline script - run job on remote node - graph not shown
- JENKINS-53938 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Warnings plugin 'Record static analysis results - GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)’ gives exception with Java 10
- JENKINS-53928 OPEN ec2 plugin 1.40.1 can not launch ec2 instance (ubuntu 14.04)
- JENKINS-53927 OPEN Jenkins Build opens up multiple Chrome instances
- JENKINS-53926 OPEN Builds hang ocassionally on resume after Jenkins restart
- JENKINS-53925 OPEN UI for binding credentials does not work
- JENKINS-53924 OPEN Jenkins 2.136+ is not restartable with GLIBC 2.5
- JENKINS-53923 OPEN Collecting build job results using [.result] property returns null
- JENKINS-53922 CLOSED Poll results in changes always found when using 2 global libraries
- JENKINS-53921 OPEN kubernetes-plugin - declarative pipeline - option to set kubernetes master url
- JENKINS-53920 IN PROGRESS After upgrade to 1.40 the slaves that are stopped via stopOnTerminate are not started again
- JENKINS-53919 OPEN SVN: Repository URL parameterized stopped working
- JENKINS-53918 OPEN JENKINS_HOME deleted when Custom Workspace is ..
- JENKINS-53917 RESOLVED choice parameter no longer supports choices in pipeline
- JENKINS-53916 OPEN Inconsistent Docker Authorization
- JENKINS-53915 OPEN Audit Trail Plugin Configuration Save Error
- JENKINS-53912 OPEN Unable to use SSHCheckoutTrait
- JENKINS-53911 RESOLVED Duplicate entries in list, if git repo is checked out twice.
- JENKINS-53908 CLOSED InheritFrom does not behave as it should
- JENKINS-53907 OPEN Resolving of upstream and downstream jobs does not work for custom artifact types
- JENKINS-53906 RESOLVED Jenkins fails to start with Exception after update to 2.144
- JENKINS-53905 OPEN Join trigger generates multiple downstream jobs
- JENKINS-53904 OPEN SEVERE: Failed to save build record
- JENKINS-53902 OPEN Jobs from Remote Instance are not copied using Job Import Plugin
- JENKINS-53901 CLOSED Using readFile does not handle UTF-8 with BOM files
- JENKINS-53900 RESOLVED Stage graph in Blue Ocean not showing all stages for large workflows
- JENKINS-53897 OPEN Using public DNS when property is set to false from within VPC with IGW
- JENKINS-53896 OPEN Aborting durable task step doesn't work with Retry
- JENKINS-53895 OPEN checkout scm over ssh in a pod created by kubernetes plugin fails
- JENKINS-53894 OPEN optionlBlock position is off related to checkbox
- JENKINS-53893 OPEN org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use method hudson.model.Item getName
- JENKINS-53892 CLOSED Unable to execute pipeline Jobs after subversion plugin update from 2.11.1 to 2.12.1
- JENKINS-53888 REOPENED Batch step running on a node other than the master fails
- JENKINS-53887 CLOSED BitBucket fails to notify the branch source plugin
- JENKINS-53886 OPEN SEVERE: {0} thread failed with error
- JENKINS-53885 OPEN ConversionException: null : null
- JENKINS-53884 OPEN Cannot discard old Data
- JENKINS-53883 OPEN Error when disabling job
- JENKINS-53882 OPEN Text ERROR and HTTP 404 when validating input parameter
- JENKINS-53881 CLOSED aws-parameter-store-plugin 1.2.0 is not backwards compatible with 1.1.0 in pipeline jobs
- JENKINS-53880 OPEN Build step trigger pipeline job hangs when master node set to zero executors
- JENKINS-53879 CLOSED EC2 workers terminated before connection can be established, only on v1.40
- JENKINS-53878 OPEN Can not script AWS code pipeline through Job dsl plugin
- JENKINS-53877 OPEN sshagent + git checkout on local agent: ssh key not found
- JENKINS-53876 CLOSED Linux slaves are not starting anymore after upgrade to 1.40 of ec2-plugin
- JENKINS-53875 CLOSED JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory when using Groovy in Docker on Windows
- JENKINS-53874 OPEN ZipArchiver should set the type bits when setting the Unix mode
- JENKINS-53870 CLOSED Perforce Plugin does not recognize past builds and starts from build 1
- JENKINS-53869 OPEN Starting a job using the API returns 302 instead of 201
- JENKINS-53867 OPEN Too many open files caused Jenkins crashed
- JENKINS-53866 OPEN Image.tag should accept repository name
- JENKINS-53865 CLOSED Cannot configure BFA permissions with CasC and matrix-auth
- JENKINS-53862 OPEN Blue Ocean spinner animation uses 25-50% CPU
- JENKINS-53861 CLOSED Jenkins loses all InfluxDb targets in Manage Jenkins > Configure System after restart.
- JENKINS-53860 RESOLVED Actions from com.github.jenkins.lastchanges.LastChangesProjectAction$LastChangesActionFactory@72b8d345 for hudson.model.FreeStyleProject@40fdcb64[testing/limit-hosts] included null not assignable to interface hudson.model.Action
- JENKINS-53859 RESOLVED Login fails consistently with "No subject alternative DNS name matching found"
- JENKINS-53858 IN PROGRESS Deadlock on EC2 resources
- JENKINS-53857 CLOSED No option to disable build continuation when computer forcefully restarted
- JENKINS-53856 RESOLVED Fix error during snapshotting "unable to access '/root/.config/git/attributes': Permission denied"
- JENKINS-53855 OPEN ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [null]
- JENKINS-53851 OPEN Jenkins can not remove slaves
- JENKINS-53849 CLOSED SYSTEM user removes permissions added by jenkinsapi
- JENKINS-53848 OPEN Poll-mailbox Plugin can not communicate with DavMail
- JENKINS-53846 OPEN scm sync configuration plugin
- JENKINS-53844 OPEN Each new HTTP query starts an infinite loop, burning CPU
- JENKINS-53840 OPEN job-dsl-plugin unknown protocol when use in dir with mixed separator
- JENKINS-53839 OPEN Builds triggered when there is no change (Subversion polling)
- JENKINS-53838 OPEN Changes made to config files don't get picked up by Jenkins Web-UI
- JENKINS-53837 RESOLVED Node steps are not correctly associated with their WorkflowRun through the Queue.Task API when restarting Pipelines
- JENKINS-53835 OPEN proximally started jobs are not sorted correctly
- JENKINS-53834 CLOSED rocketchat notifier plugin needing internet access to push notification to rocketchat
- JENKINS-53832 OPEN Jenkins 2.138.1 unable to start on CentOS 5
- JENKINS-53830 OPEN unexpected "category" attributed in persisted xml
- JENKINS-53828 OPEN GitHub Enterprise Servers plugin - ERROR - This URL requires POST
- JENKINS-53827 OPEN on fedora 27 build. Jenkins will deliver blank content when started up.
- JENKINS-53826 OPEN do not get update for jenkins and plugins
- JENKINS-53825 IN REVIEW org.jenkinsci.plugins.github_branch_source.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait and com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait should be able to have the sam @symbol name
- JENKINS-53824 OPEN GitHubCommitStatusSetter not working as expected with GHE
- JENKINS-53823 RESOLVED JTH: DummyCloudImpl crashes on JDK 11
- JENKINS-53822 OPEN Directive generator for upstream trigger throws a 500 if the upstream project is not found
- JENKINS-53821 OPEN credentials invalid only in githubNotify
- JENKINS-53820 OPEN If no Server Authentication Token is defined, it will cause builds to fail
- JENKINS-53819 RESOLVED Job configurations displayed incorrectly
- JENKINS-53818 OPEN Log parser aborts pipelines
- JENKINS-53816 OPEN [Blue Ocean] Completed stages appear to be skipped instead of finished
- JENKINS-53815 OPEN several threads looping in TreeMap.put()
- JENKINS-53814 OPEN jenkins ci server not able to generate PR, cron and schedule is not working.
- JENKINS-53813 OPEN Jenkins parameterized remote trigger plugin shows null pointer exception
- JENKINS-53812 OPEN jenkins pipeline maven build error when workspace contain Chinese characters
- JENKINS-53810 OPEN Launch Agents fails with ERROR: null java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
- JENKINS-53808 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Binary compatibility broken between JIRA plugin 3.0.2 and Artifactory plugin 2.16.2
- JENKINS-53807 OPEN Create new user with periods fails silently.
- JENKINS-53805 OPEN Autofavorite makes the entire Blue Ocean unusable
- JENKINS-53804 IN REVIEW In declarative pipeline, environment credentials causes context path error in deleteDir
- JENKINS-53803 OPEN Parallel sequential stages in Blue Ocean showing wrong status when one of the stages is UNSTABLE
- JENKINS-53801 OPEN Generate Complete Data before applying template
- JENKINS-53797 OPEN nexusPublisher
- JENKINS-53795 IN PROGRESS Build Flow: Non-fatal issues when running core build with JDK 11 (Powermock tests)
- JENKINS-53794 OPEN jira-trigger-plugin fails to trigger job and throws error
- JENKINS-53791 CLOSED Script Security Blocking Plugin DSL Execution
- JENKINS-53788 OPEN Javadoc fails on with JDK 11
- JENKINS-53787 OPEN The Add button for creating credentials has no effect. No dialog, no nothing.
- JENKINS-53786 RESOLVED Flake8 found 0 issues, which should find some issues
- JENKINS-53784 CLOSED Unable to deploy test in master-slave configuration
- JENKINS-53783 CLOSED When providing comma or newline separated values in .mar file entry, the particular entries seems to not be trimmed
- JENKINS-53782 CLOSED Incorrect test name in CA Service Virtualization report
- JENKINS-53780 OPEN jenkins jira plugin failed to instantiate key hudson.plugins.jira.JiraProjectProperty when restart jenkins
- JENKINS-53777 OPEN Jenkins showing SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification to requested traget
- JENKINS-53776 OPEN Cannot trigger Team Services release if triggering jenkins job is in a folder
- JENKINS-53775 OPEN FileNotFoundException for program.dat when running a Pipeline Job concurrently with the Job DSL plugin
- JENKINS-53774 OPEN HTML Publisher plugin doesnt generate the reports
- JENKINS-53773 OPEN How is JiraIssueUpdater finding issues from branch names? Seems to not be working
- JENKINS-53772 OPEN scoverage report - failed to copy
- JENKINS-53770 OPEN docker.withRegistry failed to login
- JENKINS-53766 OPEN Blue Ocean doesn't properly redirect when retrying stage in Firefox
- JENKINS-53765 IN REVIEW Reduce log verbosity of backend errors
- JENKINS-53764 OPEN Bitbucket hook registration fails with response code 400
- JENKINS-53763 OPEN Help texts overflow the browse screen
- JENKINS-53762 OPEN Wrong graph when parallel stages block contains only one stage
- JENKINS-53760 RESOLVED No such DSL method 'recordIssues' found among steps
- JENKINS-53759 CLOSED jiraGetIssueRemoteLinks does not work
- JENKINS-53757 OPEN Exec Failure: Expected HTTP 101 response but was '403 Forbidden'
- JENKINS-53756 IN PROGRESS Azure VM agents disconnected and deprovisioned mid-build
- JENKINS-53753 OPEN Misleading documentation for permissions
- JENKINS-53751 OPEN The same parallel scripted and declarative pipelines rendered differently
- JENKINS-53750 OPEN Shell scripts keep the working directory locked on Windows
- JENKINS-53748 RESOLVED SAML plugin skips Jenkins Proxy Configuration
- JENKINS-53747 CLOSED cron schedule not parsed correctly
- JENKINS-53745 OPEN Multiple JUnit reports recordings analyses at the same time
- JENKINS-53743 RESOLVED Azure-VM-Agents: LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method "com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.OIDCAccessTokenResponse.
- JENKINS-53741 OPEN java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to hudson.model.Describable
- JENKINS-53739 RESOLVED Use system property only as the last option
- JENKINS-53738 OPEN Gerrit Trigger not triggering jobs with older Gerrit configuration (tag dynamicGerritProjects is missing).
- JENKINS-53737 OPEN Warnings plugin - Elektrobit and GHS parser issue
- JENKINS-53736 OPEN JellyTagException for multibranch pipeline
- JENKINS-53735 OPEN Parallel sequential stages not showing Triggered Builds while Processing
- JENKINS-53733 OPEN % Character in Password Created Error in User Creation
- JENKINS-53729 RESOLVED Regression HyperlinkNote serialization: serialVersionUID
- JENKINS-53727 RESOLVED Resolve branch build problem
- JENKINS-53725 OPEN git-plugin cannot operate on a git-worktree
- JENKINS-53724 OPEN EnvVars.masterEnvVars is widely used as a public collection without synchronization
- JENKINS-53722 OPEN JdbcSQLException Unique index or primary key violation
- JENKINS-53720 OPEN JDK11 Build Flow: FindBugs fails with RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE in some classes
- JENKINS-53719 OPEN No way to disable lightweight checkout for Multibranch projects
- JENKINS-53716 RESOLVED Core Build Flow: ysoserial tests cannot compile on JDK11, Corba was removed
- JENKINS-53712 OPEN Jenkins context initialization should not complete until Jenkins is "ready to work"
- JENKINS-53711 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Pipeline customWorkspace not obeyed in docker agent when reuseNode is true
- JENKINS-53710 RESOLVED Update site signature validation fails on Java 11
- JENKINS-53709 RESOLVED Parallel blocks in node blocks cause executors to be persisted outside of the node block
- JENKINS-53708 OPEN Cannot use standard CSS comments
- JENKINS-53705 OPEN readTrusted step doesn't resolve parameters from branch name
- JENKINS-53704 RESOLVED Failed to authenticate with server after upgrading publish-over-cifs plugin
- JENKINS-54694 OPEN PTC integrity plugin throw error for project not registered in the current server
- JENKINS-54668 CLOSED Unable to provide NodeJS path to Jenkins plugin
- JENKINS-54664 OPEN Error while trying to update completion status in TFS/Team Services
- JENKINS-54658 OPEN Add Jenkins build for audit log plugin
- JENKINS-54637 OPEN Create a servlet filter to prepopulate audit log attributes
- JENKINS-54636 OPEN Configure default audit logging output configuration
- JENKINS-54624 OPEN ServiceNow Pluging not working
- JENKINS-54620 OPEN remove maven2 support
- JENKINS-54614 OPEN whitelist or blacklist the method java.util.List subList int int
- JENKINS-54601 IN REVIEW Include some changes from 1.9.40
- JENKINS-54598 IN PROGRESS Explore JDK11 Upgrade for Evergreen
- JENKINS-54554 IN PROGRESS Jenkins CLI is not working in reverse proxy (traefik)
- JENKINS-54553 CLOSED Jenkins to disable editing security from UI (even for admins)
- JENKINS-54552 RESOLVED code analyzer tool exe to analyze the code and generate the excel file
- JENKINS-54542 OPEN allow the `agent` block to be ignored
- JENKINS-54533 OPEN Polling is not working with Poll mail box trigger plugin even it is finding the mail
- JENKINS-54530 OPEN Upgrade mavenMinimalVersion from 3.1.0 to at least 3.5.0 (later is better)
- JENKINS-54470 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Configure Log4j Audit Maven plugin for audit log code generation
- JENKINS-54453 OPEN Allow a user to validate the compatibility of the installed plugins
- JENKINS-54452 OPEN Allow a user to install their own set of plugins
- JENKINS-54451 CLOSED Jenkins Set a banner message
- JENKINS-54449 OPEN Provide a Docker image based on alpine Linux
- JENKINS-54444 OPEN Update supported Jenkins version
- JENKINS-54435 OPEN Add tests to HealthAnalyzerCommon
- JENKINS-54427 OPEN support other containers
- JENKINS-54420 OPEN Check each plugin included in Evergreen is supported/supportable
- JENKINS-54419 RESOLVED Re-release 3.13
- JENKINS-54412 OPEN Testng Plugin should have capability to save the reports in
- JENKINS-54398 OPEN Report encoding error if fingerprinter fails to read a source code
- JENKINS-54391 OPEN Create a framework for testing Jenkinsfile Runner
- JENKINS-54385 OPEN Octane changes for the next beta
- JENKINS-54377 OPEN Document CWP usage in Docker
- JENKINS-54375 OPEN Setup a release flow for Jenkinsfile Runner
- JENKINS-54348 OPEN Execute load runner script from Jenkins and write the results in qTest
- JENKINS-54345 OPEN Job-DSL RTC Build Definition
- JENKINS-54343 RESOLVED Create Jenkinsfile for Jenkinsfile Runner
- JENKINS-54321 OPEN Enable incrementals for audit-log-plugin
- JENKINS-54320 OPEN Move audit log plugin to jenkinsci organization
- JENKINS-54293 OPEN Automatically run AWS flavor tests in CI
- JENKINS-54292 RESOLVED Align/fix the codebase to use flavor everywhere instead of environment
- JENKINS-54291 OPEN Update mentor GSoC guidelines
- JENKINS-54290 OPEN Use a Jira label to identify GSoC candidate issues
- JENKINS-54289 OPEN Create year round GSoC schedule
- JENKINS-54288 RESOLVED Create GSoC project proposal documents
- JENKINS-54287 OPEN Review student GSoC page for specific content
- JENKINS-54271 IN REVIEW ZPoolExpandNotice is missing its name
- JENKINS-54269 RESOLVED MissingVerificationStrategyAdministrativeMonitor is missing its name
- JENKINS-54268 RESOLVED Incrementalify Blue Ocean
- JENKINS-54267 RESOLVED TlsConfigurationAdministrativeMonitor is missing its name
- JENKINS-54266 RESOLVED fails to start agent because of missing label
- JENKINS-54245 OPEN Jenkins windows installer should offer zulu java jdk
- JENKINS-54210 CLOSED Jenkins integration with load runner
- JENKINS-54207 OPEN Update delete plugin flow to error out for anything other than file not found
- JENKINS-54204 CLOSED Building / Checking evergreen modifies the npm dependencies
- JENKINS-54175 OPEN Job and auto-PR running npm audit fix
- JENKINS-54174 OPEN Automate backend update PR
- JENKINS-54138 OPEN Submit a JEP for audit logging
- JENKINS-54132 IN PROGRESS Get JEP-8 (GSoC buget) approved
- JENKINS-54118 CLOSED UFT jobs should be grouped together
- JENKINS-54100 OPEN Need plugin that has incompatible format from one version to the next to test evergreen snapshot restore
- JENKINS-54089 OPEN Create an audit log destination global configuration
- JENKINS-54088 OPEN Log audit events for user creation
- JENKINS-54087 OPEN Log an audit event for user login/logout actions
- JENKINS-54086 RESOLVED Define audit events for user auth-related events
- JENKINS-54085 RESOLVED Define common audit attributes
- JENKINS-54084 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Create audit catalog repository
- JENKINS-54026 CLOSED Database maybe alredy in use "Server is running"(pipeline+maven)
- JENKINS-54018 OPEN Exception on UI after Manually uploading Plugins
- JENKINS-54009 RESOLVED Changelogs for Blue Ocean 1.8.4 and 1.9.0 are missing
- JENKINS-53976 CLOSED ALM needs to change code structure
- JENKINS-53975 CLOSED SRF needs to change code structure
- JENKINS-53974 CLOSED SV needs to change code strucutre
- JENKINS-53973 CLOSED UFT needs to change code structure
- JENKINS-53972 CLOSED Octane needs to change code structure
- JENKINS-53971 CLOSED MC needs to change code structure
- JENKINS-53970 CLOSED LR needs to change code structure
- JENKINS-53969 CLOSED PC needs to change code structure
- JENKINS-53966 OPEN Import Developer Profile in to keychain.
- JENKINS-53961 OPEN Adding local jar file to hpi
- JENKINS-53941 CLOSED new feature
- JENKINS-53909 RESOLVED Increase testing around healthchecker
- JENKINS-53903 OPEN 'unable to resolve class hudson.util.Secret' exception in groovy script in ANT build.xml
- JENKINS-53863 RESOLVED Core: Upstream JTH patches and test automation to the Jenkins master branch
- JENKINS-53843 OPEN can you please send me "scm sync configuration" plugin installation for subversion i need step by step process
- JENKINS-53841 CLOSED no public field ‘link’ (or getter method) found in class com.jenkinsci.plugins.badge.dsl.AddShortTextStep
- JENKINS-53796 OPEN Update from winston 2.x to 3.x
- JENKINS-53785 RESOLVED Convert DockerComputerConnector$1 to non anymous class
- JENKINS-53781 CLOSED Sqlplus script runner password is not encrypted
- JENKINS-53779 RESOLVED Code decoupling
- JENKINS-53761 OPEN JIRA Plugin in multibranch pipeline showing all previous build tickets also in current build changes
- JENKINS-53749 RESOLVED Ensure that Sentry errors are being sent from the backend service properly
- JENKINS-53732 FIXED BUT UNRELEASED Git plugin unit test is leaking into user's git config