Simple way to monitor Jenkins builds on Android phone.
This application (or widget to be precise) allows simplistic yet intuitive way of monitoring aggregated Jenkins builds.
Allows tuning for updates frequency (and save battery life).
Supports 4 moods for Mr. JenkinsĀ (happy, worried, upset and unknown):
The color of the widget reflects the status of the least stable job. For example, if on a monitored view any of the builds have failed the widget is red, if there are no failed builds but there are unstable builds - the widget is yellow. And, finally, if all the builds are stable the widget is green.
Some basic settings are available:
Also built-in view and job browsers which are available upon clicking on the widget:
More details at Jenkins Mood widget for Android.
Lookup 'Jenkins Mood' on the Android Market. Or scan the following QR code to install:
Version 1.12.7b:
- Fixed a crash when a Jenkins job contains malformed url
Version 1.12.6b:
- The widget now shows up more reliably (hopefully) on ICS.
- Fixed crash when no URL is used in the setting screen.
- Minor bugfixes.
- Updated Jenkins graphics are now used.
Version 1.09b:
- Stability improvement.
Version 1.08b:
- Support for authentication against CloudBees.
Version 1.07b:
- Fixed a rarely occurring crash when running in the background
Version 1.06b:
- Fixed a rarely occurring crash when running in the background
Version 1.04b:
- Added a medium size widget that displays extra information on build changes
- Bugfixes
- Hudson Mood widget is now called Jenkins Mood widget
Version 1.02b:
- Fixed an crash when a stale job is being displayed in the built in browser
Version 1.01b:
- More detailed error messages in the built-in browser (e.g. authentication problems)
Version 1.0b
- Fixed a session cookie bug preventing from detecting build statuses with the Build Detection browser on Hudson versions 1.379 and higher
- Fixed a bug preventing from detecting job status with the 'test URL' button for individual jobs
New features:
- New main screen with jobs overview
- Job details view
- 'View in browser' feature for both main screen and job details view
- Animation support for builds in progress
- Ability to trigger job builds
- Support for GZIP encoding - reduces battery consumption!
- Based in user feedback the Test URL button is renamed to 'Test build status' to be less confusing
Version 0.10
- Bugfix for widgets not always updating
Version 0.9
- Bugfixes/improvements
- Reduced network traffic
- Notification icons now show build status with colors
- Notification messages now have more details about the monitored instance
Version 0.8
- Multiple widgets/servers support
- New widget graphics
- More bugfixes
Version 0.7
- Added a browser (see screenshots) to detect and pickup build URLs (reduces typo chances)
- Small UI improvements
Version 0.6
- Introduced info panel that can be opened from the android market (enabled the open button)
Version 0.5
- Bugfix: increased timeout
Version 0.4
- Bugfix: networking timeout
- Introduced notifications
Version 0.3
- Bugfix: rescheduling bug
Version 0.2
- Enhancement: Added support for individual builds (not just views anymore)
- Bugfixes for SSL and orientation changes
Version 0.1
- Initial release