CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise plugin. This plugin converts an OSS installation to a CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise (CBJE) installation. CBJE has 20+ plugins ...
Jan 26, 2024 · The CloudBees CD plugin allows you to integrate CloudBees CD/RO features and APIs directly in your Jenkins instances. From running pipelines ...
This plugin makes some proprietary CloudBees plugins available in OSS Jenkins. Version: 1.2. Released: 9 months ago. Requires Jenkins 2.222.4.
CloudBees, Inc. Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees. MINUTES summary and raw ; CloudBees, Inc. CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center
cloudbees-enterprise-plugins. Plugin distribution has been suspended, see https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/CloudBees+Jenkins+Enterprise for details.
Go to the Manage Jenkins | Manage Plugins | Updates tab and select the "CloudBees Plugin Gateway Plugin" ensuring that you are selecting version 1.2. Select the ...
We have been a CloudBees partner since 2014 and deliver a variety of courses related to Jenkins. We also offer wider DevOps/Continuous Delivery courses which ...
Sep 27, 2019 · CloudBees Flow Application Release Orchestration. CloudBees Flow is an enterprise-grade DevOps Release Automation platform that simplifies ...
cloudbees-enterprise-plugins, 14.11.0, 15.05.1, Sum. 1.651.3, 1, 1. 2.19.1, 1, 1. 2.75, 1, 1. 2.150.1, 1, 1. 2.154, 1, 1. 2.160, 1, 1. 2.163, 1, 1.
Sep 7, 2021 · The cloudbees-deployer plugin uses the CloudBees API to deploy your application to RUN@Cloud. It runs as a publisher at the end of the build, ...