Jenkins : Hudson Personal View

Plugin Information

View Personal View on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin gives every user, also non administrative one the possibility to create his own view and to use a pseudo tree-view where every user can administer it's own delimiter which is used as path delimiter

Hudson Personal View Plugin


to provide a possibility for every user to have it's own filter of hudson-jobs
(we have in our hudson nearly 1000 jobs and the list is very long)


usage samples


usage as filtered view

usage as Step in Tree


V 1.8 (Jan 3, 2011)

  • Translation updates
  • Fix one little typo

V 1.7 (Jan 12, 2010)

  1. FIXED
    1. filter works now also at the root of the "step in view"

V 1.6

  1. FIXED
    1. RSS feed are now working on all views
  2. Extended
    1. Step In view is now on the fly filterable by everyone
    2. Filtered view is now on the fly filterable by everyone
    3. default value for path delimiter is global configurable
    4. default regexp for filtered view is global configurable

V 1.5

  1. FIXED
    default value of shown projects in the step in view is now set from 0 to 30

V 1.4

  1. FIXED
    if I run hudson at / instead of /hudson it works.\
    I think it might be line 116 of PViewLinkAction which checks for\
    If hudson is run with any prefix then this check probably fails.
  2. Extended
    a new option per server up to how many jobs the jobs in the stepin-view will be shown

V 1.2

fixes empty user configuration

V 1.1

extension of the personal view

  1. every user has possibility to decide which columns will be shown

additional tree view

  1. every user has the possibility to decide where the tree should be located
  2. every user can administer it's own delimiter which is used as path delimiter

V 1.0

initial release


s1.png (image/png)
s1.png (image/png)
s4.png (image/png)
s2.png (image/png)
s3.png (image/png)
s3.png (image/png)