Jenkins : Groovy Remote Control Plugin

Plugin Information

View Groovy Remote Control on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin provides Groovy Remote Control's receiver, and allows to control external application from Jenkins.

Control Jenkins from Groovy

import groovyx.remote.client.RemoteControl
import groovyx.remote.transport.http.HttpTransport

def transport = new HttpTransport("http://your-jenkins/plugin/groovy-remote/")
def remote = new RemoteControl(transport)

// This code runs on local.
def name = 'kiy0taka'
println name

def result = remote {
    // This clousre runs on Jenkins server.
    def version = jenkins.version.value
    println "Hi, ${name}!"

    // Return Jenkins version.
    return version

// This code runs on local.
println "Jenkins version was ${result}."

Control your Grails application from Jenkins

  1. Install Grails Remote Control plugin into your Grails application.
  2. Register Remote Receiver to Jenkins.
  3. Create Control Job, and add build step.

Release History

Version 0.2 (Sep 12, 2012)

  • Support proxy.
  • Added HTTP header settings.
  • Fixed NoClassDefFoundError in RemoteBuilder.

Version 0.1 (Aug 9, 2012)

  • Initial release


global.png (image/png)
config.png (image/png)
config.png (image/png)