Jenkins : FOSDEM 2012

Jenkins will be at FOSDEM, in Brussels, on February 4-5th 2012!

  • We have a stand, in the K building (first floor) for both days, where we can spread the word, hand out stickers and so on.
  • Unknown User (rtyler) will be giving a talk, "Open Source Infrastructure - Running the Jenkins project with Puppet", on Sunday at 13:00.

Also see the mailing list where the coordination is taking place


Who's coming?

CI Dinner

TODO: There's probably enough interested people to have dinner on Saturday night? Who's interested, and knows a nice place in Brussels? (smile)

Book Giveaway

We will have two copies of "Jenkins: The Definitive Guide" from O'Reilly to give away.

  • Raffle/drawing?
  • ??

Booth Duty

As mentioned, we have a stand, which needs to be manned by at least two people throughout the event. Please sign-up below (and use FOSDEM schedule grid to make sure you can go to talks you want to attend):


Kohsuke will bring stickers for give-aways

Other planned activities