Jenkins : Description Column Plugin

Description Column Plugin

Plugin Information

View Description Column on the plugin site for more information.

The current version of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before use:

Provide job description column for views.


Create a new view by clicking on the "+" tab, select list view as type and name it. At the bottom of the configuration page of the new view you can add the Description column.
If you want to add columns to the All view, follow the guide on the Editing or Replacing the All View wiki page.

You can optionnaly choose to trim the description to a certain amount of lines by checking the appropriate checkbox and setting the request amount.
The trimming is done on <br/> tags


Coming soon.


1.3 (26 Aug, 2011)

  • Allow to display the job name above the description.
  • Added french localization.

1.2 (20 Aug, 2011)

  • Allow to limit the number of lines to display.
  • Display the full description as tooltip.
  • Added help on configuration.
  • Added some basic tests.

1.1 (14 Aug, 2011)

  • Fix pom.xml

1.0 (13 Aug, 2011)

  • initial implementation