Jenkins : Deployment Sphere Plugin

Plugin Information

View Deployment Sphere on the plugin site for more information.

Jenkins plugin to have a bird's eye view of your continuous deployment pipeline.


  1. Install dependency plugins:
    1. Open “Manage Jenkins
    2. Go to “Available
    3. Find and install H2 Database Plugin
  2. Install plugin into Jenkins:
    1. Open “Manage Jenkins
    2. Go to “Available
    3. Find and install Deployment Sphere Plugin
  3. Restart Jenkins
  4. Additional menu item "Deployment Sphere" in the left navigation block should appear
  5. Now you need to configure your Jenkins system:
    1. Open “Manage Jenkins
    2. Open “Configure system
    3. Navigate to “Deployment Sphere configuration” to add Applications and Environments you're working with


  • Collects application versions
  • Collects application versions deployments
  • Configures environments
  • Configures applications
  • Provides dashboard of deployed applications versions across environments


  1. Create any type Jenkins project to collect Build Metadata by adding post-build action "Collect Build Metadata" and select Application that is being built by current project.
    where *"0.0.
    Unknown macro: {v}
    "* is a version naming template that could be changed according to your convention.
  2. Crate any type Jenkins project to collect Deploy Metadata by adding post-build action "Collect Deploy Metadata" and select Application that is being deployed by current project.
  3. Now build your application and go to deploy project
  4. Select environment and application version you'd like to deploy
  5. Now you can check out to what environment and what version of your application was deployed




This plugin is started as a hack-a-thon at the EPAM Grand Hackathon 2015 in Minks. It is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.




jenkins.png (image/png)
jenkins_apps_ens.png (image/png)
jenkins_deploy.png (image/png)
jenkins_select_app.png (image/png)
jenkins_deploy_app.png (image/png)
jenkins_env_version.png (image/png)
deployment_sphere.png (image/png)
build_job.png (image/png)
build_project_2.png (image/png)