Jenkins : Consul-KV-Builder Plugin

Plugin Information

View Consul KV Builder on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin adds a new build step and build wrapper that are used to read/write/delete Key/Value data from/to specified HashiCorp Consul servers. or clusters.

Use Case

* You have a build that needs to read data from Consul Key/Value store and use those data later in the build or even in downstream parameterized builds.

* You have a build that needs to deploy, and part of that deployment is to configure Consul Key/Value settings.

Build Wrapper Usage

The Consul K/V Builder Plugin can be used as a Build Wrapper, so it is added to the project configuration by selecting under the "Build Environment" checkboxes. As a build wrapper, it can be added multiple times to read multiple Key/Value pairs.

Build Step Usage

The Consul K/V Builder Plugin can also be used as a Build Step, so it is added to the project configuration via the “Add Build Step” button towards the bottom of the project configuration window. As a build step, it can be added multiple times to read/write/delete multiple Key/Value pairs.

To read data from Consul, you configure the build step with the following settings:

Field name


ACL Token

optional, supplies the Consul ACL entry ID that is used to access data

Host URL

URL of the Consul server/cluster


Key used to store and lookup data in Consul

ENV Variable Key

Key used to store the data into a Jenkins build environment variable

To write Consul data, you must expose the "Advanced" settings.

Field name


Request Mode

Set to write

Debug Mode

Optionally enable debug mode for additional logging


Value to write to Consul with the specified key from above

API URL Override

optional, used to specify the non-default URI for the Consul server RESTful HTTP API endpoints

Connection timeout

optional, used to specify connection timeout, default is 10 seconds

Response timeout

optional, used to specify response timeout, default is 30 seconds

Handy Hint

This example shows the use of a build parameter acl_token

To delete Consul data, you must expose the "Advanced" settings, and choose delete.

Field name


Request Mode

Set to delete

Debug Mode

Optionally enable debug mode for additional logging



API URL Override

optional, used to specify the non-default URI for the Consul server RESTful HTTP API endpoints

Connection timeout

optional, used to specify connection timeout, default is 10 seconds

Response timeout

optional, used to specify response timeout, default is 30 seconds

Pipeline Usage

This plugin can be used in Jenkins Pipeline scripts with "wrap" and "step" constructs:



Build Wrapper

* Read Key/Value data from Consul server/cluster, write to ENV variable

Build Step

* Read Key/Value data from Consul server/cluster, write to ENV variable
* Write Key/Value data to Consul server/cluster
* Delete Key/Value data from Consul server/cluster
* Optional debug mode for additional logging
* Supports Consul ACL ids, including using build parameters for ACL ids
* Optional override Consul RESTful HTTP API URI
* Optional override connection timeout
* Optional override response timeout

Global Settings

* Set global settings that can be leveraged in jobs


Version 1.0.6 (May 11 2016)

* Initial release

Version 2.0.4 (June 3 2016)

* Added Build Wrapper and Jenkins Pipeline compatibility

Version 2.0.7 (September 20 2016)

* Added build/run failure model settings
* Added listener error settings

Version 2.0.12 (October 3 2016)

* Added global Consul settings that can used/ignored at the job-config level

Version 2.0.13 (November 2 2016)

* Attempted to Fix issue: Pipeline Steps implementing the SimpleBuildStep interface cannot write data to run-level environment variables.

The workaround may be to write a single-value custom step that returns a string, or use the wrapper to set a local var in the node.

Pipeline Wrapper Workarounds
node('master') {
    TEST_KEY = ''

    wrap([$class: 'ConsulKVReadWrapper', reads: [[aclToken: '', apiUri: '', debugMode: 'ENABLED', envKey: 'test_key', hostUrl: '', key: 'test/test-key']]]) {
        echo env.test_key
        TEST_KEY = env.test_key

    echo TEST_KEY

//or for a global var:

import groovy.transform.Field
@Field String TEST_KEY

node('master') {

    wrap([$class: 'ConsulKVReadWrapper', reads: [[aclToken: '', apiUri: '', debugMode: 'ENABLED', envKey: 'test_key', hostUrl: '', key: 'test/test-key']]]) {
        echo env.test_key
        TEST_KEY = env.test_key

    echo TEST_KEY

node ('master') {
    echo TEST_KEY

//Use Wrapper to get multiple key/values

node ('master') {
    wrap([$class: 'ConsulKVReadWrapper', reads: [[aclToken: '', apiUri: '', debugMode: 'ENABLED', envKey: 'test_key', hostUrl: '', key: 'test/test-key'], [aclToken: '', apiUri: '', debugMode: 'ENABLED', envKey: 'test_key2', hostUrl: '', key: 'test/test-key'], [aclToken: '', apiUri: '', debugMode: 'ENABLED', envKey: 'test_key3', hostUrl: '', key: 'test/test-key']]]) {
    	echo env.test_key
    	echo env.test_key2
    	echo env.test_key3


build-step.png (image/png)
build-step.png (image/png)
read.png (image/png)
delete.png (image/png)
write.png (image/png)
BuildWrapper.png (image/png)
BuildWrapper.png (image/png)
Pipeline_step_wrap.png (image/png)
global-settings.png (image/png)
pipeline-read-wrap.png (image/png)