Jenkins : Console Column Plugin

Console Column Plugin

Minimum Version

Because of a JDK issue, requiredCore was made to be 1.420. However, we have reports that this plugin will happily work on 1.409 LTS releases.

Plugin Information

View Console Column on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin is up for adoption. Want to help improve this plugin? Click here to learn more!

Provide a fast-path console link available for views.



1.5 (released 2011-10-15)

  • Fix issue @11358, do not show console links for jobs with builds of that type unavailable (e.g. no lastFailed console link if no failed builds)

1.4 (released 2011-10-12)

  • Added German I18N, thank you Christoph Kutzinski

1.3 (released 2011-10-06)

  • fix issue @11180 and make console columns not shown by default

1.1 (released 2011-02-11)

  • fix 404 for images on non-default view view
  • fix hard coded 16x16 image size

1.0 (released 2011-02-03)

  • fully I18N
  • initial implementation


screenshot-1.0.png (image/png)