Jenkins : Codebeamer xUnit Uploader Plugin


An Intland Post-Build plugin for uploading automated xUnit test results into codeBeamer ALM from Jenkins. If you have questions or found a bug, please refer to the Project Page

The plugin also creates test cases based on the tests package structure, with configuring optional parameters it can also create test runs.

Plugin Information

View CodeBeamer XUnit Uploader on the plugin site for more information.


  1. Create a Jenkins job.
  2. Add the "Codebeamer xUnit Uploader" step in the "Post-build Actions" section to the job.
  3. Customize the step’s attributes.
  4. Run the build.

example configuration:

Optional Parameters 

  • Disable XUnit Uploader
    If this is set to true then the plugin does not upload test results to codeBeamer.
  • Codebeamer URL
    You can set the URL of codeBeamer instance. It is mandatory.
  • Credentials
    You can set a codeBeamer user, user should have "Rest / Remote API - Access" permission. It is mandatory.
  • Test Configuration ID
    You can set a test configuration to the generated test cases. It is mandatory.
  • Test Case Tracker ID
    You can set a test case tracker. The generated test cases are created on this tracker. It is mandatory if test case id is not set.
  • Test Case ID
    You can set a parent test case item. The generated test cases are created under this item. It is optional.
    Warning: This option override test case tracker option!
  • Test Run Tracker ID
    You can set a test run tracker. The generated test case runs are created on this tracker. It is mandatory.
  • Release ID
    You can set a release. This is set in all generated test case run items. It is optional
  • Test Results Directory
    You can set the test result directory. This contains the test result xml files. You can use relative path and the root folder is the workspace folder of your jenkins job in this case. It is mandatory.
  • Default Package Prefix
    You can set a package prefix. It is optional.
    For example:
    In this case the test results are filtered by this prefix.

More Information

You can find information on using the plugin in the codeBeamer wiki.

Technical Support

If you have any questions or need assistance with setting up the plugin and configuring the step’s properties, please contact the codeBeamer Support Team

Version History

Version 1.1.0
