Upgrade guide to 1.3.7
As this new version introduces view metadata management, you may face issues when migrating from an older version.
Here are a few things that you need to know :
- By default, new views will now use the job setting to store metadata (instead of using automatic storage location)
- Therefore, it is recommended to review the view metadata location in the global settings, then apply the following script to apply these settings to all your jobs
import jenkins.model.*; import hudson.plugins.clearcase.*; jenkins = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance allItems = jenkins.items println("Getting global values for view metadata") winStorageDir = jenkins.getDescriptor(ClearCaseSCM.class).defaultWinDynStorageDir unixStorageDir = jenkins.getDescriptor(ClearCaseSCM.class).defaultUnixDynStorageDir println("Windows : " + winStorageDir) println("Unix : " + unixStorageDir) println("Applying global view metadata settings to all jobs using clearcase as scm") allItems.each{ job-> if (job.scm in AbstractClearCaseScm) { boolean changed = false; if(job.scm.viewStorageFactory.winStorageDir \!= winStorageDir) { job.scm.viewStorageFactory.winStorageDir = winStorageDir changed = true } if (job.scm.viewStorageFactory.unixStorageDir \!= unixStorageDir) { job.scm.viewStorageFactory.unixStorageDir = unixStorageDir changed = true } if (changed) { println(job.name + " updated.") job.save() } } }