Jenkins : Chatter Notifier Plugin

Plugin Information

View Chatter Notifier on the plugin site for more information.

Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:

Allows users to send build results to Salesforce Chatter in a Post-Build step or to send custom text via a build / pipeline step.


This is a plugin for Jenkins that will post build results or custom text during a build to a Chatter feed in Salesforce. You can configure it to post to a specific User (e.g. a build user), a specific group (e.g. a group that owns the build), or a specific record (perhaps you have a custom object that tracks build configs).

Minimum Requirements

This plugin requires at least version 1.22 of the Credentials Plugin.


  1. Install the Chatter Plugin using the Jenkins Plugin Manager and restart the server
  2. Create new credentials of the kind "Username with Password"
    1. Remember to include your users API security token if needed as part of the password
  3. Create or update a Freestyle Job:
    1. Add post-build action -> Chatter Results or Add build step → Post to Chatter
    2. Populate the fields as needed (see the inline help for more details):
      1. Credentials
      2. Optional server URL to login to
      3. Record id (record, user, or group) to post results to (leave this blank to post to the user's wall)
  4. Add a step to a Pipeline Job:
    1. Configure a step within the context of a node: 
      1. Example: 
        chatterPost body: "This is a Chatter post from a pipeline! ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME}", credentialsId: 'JENKINS_CREDENTIAL_ID', recordId: 'SOME_RECORD_ID'
    2. See the README in GitHub or the Jenkins Snippet Generator for more information.



  • Add a build step which can also be used as a pipeline step to post custom text to Chatter.


  • Security release to address a potential issue where any user with Jenkins.READ to invoke the method against a custom credentials-capturing server. It allowed leaking credentials if they were not scoped properly. It also allowed any attacker with Jenkins.READ to easily get a list of credential IDs vulnerable to the attack.


  • Utilize proxy configuration (authenticated and unauthenticated from Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins → Advanced (No Proxy Hosts remains unimplemented)


  • Give contextual build status (FIXED, STILL FAILING)


  • Hosted on
  • Now requires at least version 1.22 of the Credentials Plugin