Plugin Information |
View Capitomcat on the plugin site for more information. |
Capitomcat is
Capitomcat plugin deploy the WAR file to multiple remote Tomcat servers using Capitomcat which is Capistrano 3 recipe and library for Tomcat deployment.
See also : Capitomcat homepage
And also, You don't need to install Ruby and Capistrano 3 on your Jenkins box. Capitomcat and Capistrano 3 are running on the Jenkins Ruby runtime.
Tested OS list
Please check the link in below. Capitomcat is tested on a lot of Linux environment.
Capitomcat plugin supports 2 way deployment.
Basic deployment is usual way for Tomcat deployment. Capitomcat will upload the WAR file under your $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directy.
Basic deployment is the default for Capitomcat deployment.
With updating Context file
Also, Capitomcat supports deploment with updating contex.xml file. if you want keep the old release WAR file or give some build number for WAR file, this will be very helpful.
Authentication & Authorisation
Basically, Capitomcat supports password input. by the way, that password will be saved as plain text in your config file. I'm trying to use certification plugin. but, for security, please consider using public key authentication.
And also, Capitomcat is following Authentication & Authorisation guide line of Capistrano.
please refer to Authentication & Authorisation page on the Capistrano home page for more detail about Authentication & Authorisation.
At least of following NOPASSWD setting is required to use Capitomcat.
%your_deploy_user_name ALL=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/tomcat7 <Your tomcat command>
%your_deploy_user_name ALL=(<your_tomcat_user> : <your_tomcat_user_group>) NOPASSWD: ALL
Advanced Setting : Tomcat Virtual Host setting
Capitomcat Jenkins plugin is following virtual hosting setting convention of Tomcat.
Open Issues
Change logs
- Updating Capitomcat library version - 1.2.1
- Updating Capistrano dependency version - 3.3.5
- Can choose the way how to execute the remote tomcat command to apply pty option correctly. you can select the option in advanced menu : `Use background execution for Tomcat command`.
- No - Using Normal script(Default) : It follows the global pty option.
- Yes - Using Background script : It makes pty false in some OS even though global pty is true. for example, RHEL 5.6
for more details, please refer to
Bug fix : Upgrading issue on ssh port default value.
- ssh port value is null after upgrade to 0.0.10
- adding null check and invalid number value on ssh port.
- ssh port value will be ignored if it is invalid.
- Fix default value issue. default value was disappeared.
- Adding configurable SSH port option.** It supports custom ssh port host. such like Vagrant port forwarding.
- Adding Jenkins Builder.** The Capitomcat deployment can be added in pre and post build step.** It supports multiple Tomcat hosts that has different server setting in each other.
- Bug fix : Potential fix to allow updating the advanced configuration fields.
- Support custom variable injection : please refer to release note in Github (with screenshot)
- BUG-FIX : Config reload - property tomcat port number take default.
- Unpacked WAR directory is not refreshed. eventually, Tomcat doesn't provide latest changes in new WAR file by this issue.
- Thanks to @jwcarman
- Add functionality to select PTY options for global SSH setting : it fix deployment problem of some particular OS environment. ex) CentOS 6.5
- Bug Fix for white space on host name section
Apply the Capitomcat v1.1.3 changes :
- Bug Fix : There was space between "-" and "u" at Tomcat work directory cleaning task.
Apply the Capitomcat v1.1.1 and v1.1.2 changes :
- Bug Fix : Some Tomcat startup script need to be executed in background #6 (** Start/stop command has modified to be executed in the background.** Adding sleep time after command is executed.
- Bug Fix : SSHKIT test and within not properly working at CentOS5.x #7 (** Removing within method** Adding checking method for remote directory and file existing.
- Bug Fix : [v0.0.1]Config information not refreshed after built.
- First Release of Capitomcat Jenkins plugin