Plugin Information |
View Bitbucket OAuth on the plugin site for more information. |
Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:
Upgrading 0.7 to 0.8
bitbucket-oauth-plugin changed using OAuth version 1.0 to 2.0.
If you got invalid redirect_uri error in login, you hove to specify Callback URL in Bitbucket OAuth setting page.
bitbucket-oauth-plugin changed using Bitbucket API endpoint v1 to v2.
You have to change permissions: Account > Read and Team membership > Read
First you need to get consumer key/secret from Bitbucket.
- Log into your Bitbucket account.
- Click on your account avatar in the top right corner and select Bitbucket Settings.
- If your are a member of an organization, ensure you are on Team settings, not Account settings, from the drop down.
- Under ACCESS MANAGEMENT select OAuth.
- Under OAuth consumers, click Add consumer.
- The system requests the following information: Name is required. Others are optional.
- Name is required.
- Callback URL is required. input https://your.jenkins.root/securityRealm/finishLogin .
- Others are optional.
- Under Permissions, select Account > Read and Team membership > Read(optional).
- Click Save. The system generates a key and a secret for you. Toggle the consumer name to see the generated Key and Secret value for your consumer.
Second, you need to configure your Jenkins.
- Open Jenkins Configure System page.
- Set correct URL to Jenkins URL.
- Click Save button.
- Open Jenkins Configure Global Security page.
- Check Enable security.
- Select Bitbucket OAuth Plugin in Security Realm.
- Input your Consumer Key to Client ID.
- Input your Consumer Secret to Client Secret.
- Click Save button.
Bitbucket Team access Support
Based on the teams that user has access to, this plugin automatically creates groups of the form
Supported roles are admin, contributor and member
- team1::admin
- team2::contributor
- team3::member
These group names can be used in Jenkins Matrix-based security to give fine grained access control based on the users team access in Bitbucket.
Configure plugin via Groovy script
Either automatically upon Jenkins post-initialization or through Jenkins script console, example:
import import import jenkins.model.Jenkins import org.jenkinsci.plugins.BitbucketSecurityRealm // parameters def bitbucketSecurityRealmParameters = [ clientID: '012345678901234567', clientSecret: '012345678901234567012345678901' ] // security realm configuration SecurityRealm bitbucketSecurityRealm = new BitbucketSecurityRealm( bitbucketSecurityRealmParameters.clientID, bitbucketSecurityRealmParameters.clientSecret ) // authorization strategy - full control when logged in AuthorizationStrategy authorizationStrategy = new // authorization strategy - set anonymous read to false authorizationStrategy.setAllowAnonymousRead(false) // get Jenkins instance Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance() // add configurations to Jenkins jenkins.setSecurityRealm(bitbucketSecurityRealm) jenkins.setAuthorizationStrategy(authorizationStrategy) // save current Jenkins state to disk
Version History
Version 0.10 (14 Oct, 2019)
- [SECURITY-1546] Fixed client secret is saved in plain text (Notice: I recommend that you re-save Jenkins security configuration.)
Version 0.9 (19 Jan, 2019)
- Fixed infinite redirect loop on Jenkins 2.150.2 (related: JENKINS-55668 )
Version 0.8 (3 Jan, 2019)
- Changed Bitbucket OAuth 1.0 to OAuth 2.0 (Notice: You have to specify the Callback URL in Bitbucket OAuth setting page)
- Changed Bitbucket API v1 to v2 (Notice: You have to add Account Read permission in Bitbucket OAuth setting page)
- Changed secret key input field to password
Version 0.7 (1 May, 2018)
- Fixed Groovy example did not work
Version 0.6 (25 Feb, 2018)
- Added Bitbucket API 2.0 support (Pluign requires Account Read Permission only)
- Added spport for adding user authorities based on bitbucket team/role (related: Pull Request #11)
Version 0.5 (5 Jun, 2016)
- Fixed ClassCastException (related: JENKINS-34792 )
Version 0.4 (14 May, 2014)
- Fixed broken api token access (related: JENKINS-21882 )
Version 0.3 (31 Jul, 2013)
- Works on reverse proxy environments ( Use Jenkins URL configuration instead of request URL )
Version 0.1 (29 May, 2013)
- Initial release