Resources ... The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline ...
Oct 5, 2017 · It can generate an a³ analysis workspace to investigate the analysis results later interactively. ... It can copy the complete analysis reports ...
Provides Jenkins integration for the AbsInt Advanced Analyzer (a³) tools.
Provides Jenkins integration for the AbsInt Advanced Analyzer (a³) tools.
Constructor (The complex one - searching the right tool package, unpack it and set the toolpath!) Parameters: ws - FilePath to Jenkins workspace ...
Oct 5, 2017 · Provides Jenkins integration for the AbsInt Advanced Analyzer (a³) tools.
Descriptor for A3Builder . Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep. jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildAction, ...
Descriptor for A3Builder . Used as a singleton. The class is marked as public so that it can be accessed from views. Nested Class Summary ...
Method Detail ; fillIDtoHTMLReportMap. public void fillIDtoHTMLReportMap(HashMap<String,hudson.FilePath> map). Extracts all analysis items from APX project file ...
Returns the currently set path to the configuration file used for the analysis run. getReportFile() - Method in class com.absint.a3 ...