Jenkins : AWS Cloudformation Plugin

Plugin Information

View jenkins-cloudformation-plugin on the plugin site for more information.

The current version of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before use:

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A plugin that allows for the creation of cloud formation stacks before running the build and the deletion of them after the build is completed.

This plugin gives Jenkins the ability to spawn Amazon Cloud Formation stacks before running the build and stopping it at the end.

This is particularly useful for testing; where you can create your application stacks in the Amazon cloud; deploy your application to them, run tests against it and finally take all the stacks down.

If the stack takes parameters, you can enter them as a semi-colon separated list of value=pair. For backward compatibility you can also use comma as separator for parameters. This however prevents you from passing comma separated lists as values for parameters. If you need to pass lists as values for parameters then you should separate your parameters with a semi-colon like this:


If the stack that is created has outputs, they will be added as variables to the build environment so you can use them during the build just as any other environment variable like $WORKSPACE. The name of the variables will be the name of the output item defined in the stack json document prefixed with the name of the stack that produced it (ie. stack1_outputName).

This has the useful side effect of allowing for the chaining of several stacks where the ones further down can be fed the outputs of the previous stacks as parameters. In this way, if you have a stack that creates an instance and outputs its IP address you can potentially pass the IP address into another stack as a parameter and use it in whatever way you need.

The timeout value in the configuration refers to the maximum amount of time to wait before giving up on the stack creation. Keep in mind that if this threshold is reached the plugin will make no effort to delete the stack. Future version may change this behavior.

The stacks order can be re-arranged by dragging them. WARNING: If you are chaining stacks the order is relevant and therefore you should revise the parameters configuration of each of the stacks.

If an error occurs during the creation of the stack, this plugin will mark the build as failed and all previously created stacks will be deleted (Assuming they were flagged to be deleted at the end of the job)

As of version 0.8 a Build Notifier has been added to delete stacks. This feature allows jobs to kill stacks that were created in previous jobs. Here is a snapshot of the configuration for notifier:
