Jelly uses the same expression syntax and semantics as JSP, which tends to make view pages vulnerable to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a web application vulnerability that allows users with the ability to control what gets shown to other users on a web page to ...
CI/CD Meetups and Jenkins Area Meetups (JAMs) are local meetups intended to bring CI/CD users and contributors together for socializing and learning.
Jenkins developers will soon notice that jelly files are made up of many diverse jelly tags, and that jelly files live in many places in the Jenkins source ...
Rendering plain text instead of a control · <j:choose> <j:when test="${readOnlyMode}" ; Disabling the control · <input type="radio" checked= ; Removing controls ...
This method is invoked in two cases. One is when the Job that owns this property is loaded from disk, and the other is when a job is re-configured and all the ...
Jenkins : Basic guide to Jelly usage in Jenkins · UI Samples · Loading Your First *.jelly · Understanding the it object. Other predefined objects; Predefined URLs.
Key Jenkins.Manage.Description : This permission grants the ability to configure parts of the overall system configuration that are not expected to have an ...
Class OptionalJobProperty<J extends Job<?,​?>> ... Job property which may or may not be present. Must define config-details.jelly or config-details.groovy . May ...