Jenkins : Telegram Notification Plugin

Plugin Information

View Telegram Bot on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin allows you to send messages from Jenkins jobs to Telegram chat.


Create a Telegram bot

  1. Find BotFather in Telegram (@BotFather)
  2. Send /newbot command
  3. Enter bot name and bot username

Jenkins Global configuration

  1. Open the Jenkins global config
  2. Paste your bot name and username to according textfields
  3. In filed Usernames fill names of users who can get Jenkins messages (separated by spaces)
  4. Save

Subscribe for Jenkins messages

  1. In telegram find your bot and send /start command
  2. Send /sub command


Manage your job

  1. Add build-step (or post build-step)
  2. Fill the message (you can use environment variables and simple Markdown)
  3. Save your job