Jenkins : Rennes Hackathon

This page is a draft to prepare a hackathon at Rennes, France

What's a Hackathon ?

This is a place where some geeks meet together, do some hacking, and learn form each other. Newbies are welcome as well as code-warriors.

You can join to learn jenkins plugin development, contribute new ideas, help to implement or just have fun with us.

Who is interested ?

  • Nicolas De Loof @ndeloof
  • Alex Thomazo @alexlg
  • Jean-Louis Jouannic @jljouannic
  • Sébastien Brousse @seb_brousse

What to do ?

put here any idea you'd like us to develop together

  • feature-branch plugin (ndeloof)

Where / When ?

Not yet defined - probably one evening from 6 to 9 at La Cantine Numérique followed by a lunch with few (!) beer. -> This will be a mini-hackathon