Jenkins : QMetry For Jira Test Management Plugin 4.0 and above

Configuring a Standard Jenkins job


Let’s create a standard Freestyle job in Jenkins.

  1. To create a new Jenkins job, click on the New Item option on the Jenkins menu.

2. Provide a name for your job.

    Select Freestyle project on the screen and then click OK.


3. Next, the configuration page appears where you can configure your job by various categories: General, Source Code Management (SCM), Build Triggers, Build, and Post build actions.



4. On the Source Code Management tab, select the appropriate option in which you have your source code. For example, here it is “Git”. So, select “Git” and provide the necessary information. (Note: You need to configure GitHub plugin in global configuration).

5.  Optionally, you can set Build Triggers.

Select the Build Triggers tab. Let’s just add a periodic trigger which triggers build every minute – every hour – every day (Schedule: * * * * *).

6. Next, Select a build step. You can select from various options: Ant, Maven, Windows batch process, etc. For example, for a maven project, trigger a maven build and specify goals.

Next step is to add Post-build Actions. Here, add the plugin: “QMetry Test Management for JIRA Plugin”.

Configuring QMetry for JIRA Test Management Plugin as a Post-build Action

Jenkins works as a bridge between QMetry Test Management and JIRA plugin. To publish results in QMetry for JIRA, define another post-build action.

1. On the Add post-build Actions drop-down, select the "Publish test result to QMetry for Jira version 4.X above" option.

2. In case of Cloud instance for QMetry for JIRA, select the Cloud option and fill in the required data.

You can get more information regarding fields by clicking on the Help icon for respective fields. It explains what to enter in that particular field.

Parameters for Cloud instance:








Your API Key. API Key is unique for a specific user in a single project. The result will be imported for the project associated with the given API Key.




Format of result file to be imported. Supported formats:

cucumber/json testng/xml junit/xml QAF hpuft/xml specflow/json




Path to your result file to be uploaded.

Example : The Jenkins plugin is expecting the file in Jenkins Workspace. 
If your workspace name is WithoutSouceCode, then you will find a folder name with "WithoutSouceCode" in your installation directory like Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode. 
Your result file should be under Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode/Testng-result.xml. 
The path that should be set in plugin configuration is "/Testng-result.xml"

Test Cycle To Reuse

stringNoKey of the test cycle to be reused.

Upload Screenshots

checkboxNoCheck to upload attachments in execution. Default value: false.


stringNoName of the environment on which test cycle has to be executed.


NoName of the build for test cycle execution.
Test Case and Test Cycle Fields





Summary (For Test Cycle)



Summary of test cycle.




Priority to be added to the test case/test cycle.

StatusstringNoStatus to be added to the test case/test cycle.
ComponentsstringNoComma separated names of Components to be added to the test case/test cycle.
LabelsstringNoComma separated names of Labels to be added to the test case/test cycle.
Fix Version Id (How to find the Fix Version Id)numberNoId of Fix Version to be added to the test case/test cycle.
Sprint Id (How to find the Sprint Id)numberNoId of Sprint to be added to the test case/test cycle.


QMetry Test Management supports Jenkins Pipeline for implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins.

Let’s create a standard Pipeline job in Jenkins.

1. To create a new Jenkins job, click on the New Item option on the Jenkins menu.

2. Provide a name for your job.

    Select Pipeline on the screen and then click OK.

3. Next, the configuration page appears where you can configure your job by various categories: General, Build Triggers, Advanced Project Options, and Pipeline.

4.  Optionally, you can set Build Triggers.

Select the Build Triggers tab. Let’s just add a periodic trigger which triggers build every minute – every hour – every day (Schedule: * * * * *).

5. Advanced Project Options: This is optional. You can give Display Name which will replace the name you gave earlier to the Pipeline project.

6. Jenkins works as a bridge between QMetry Test Management and automation frameworks. To publish results in QMetry, provide Pipeline script.

Enter Pipeline script to define your code repository, generate test result and upload test results into QMetry Test Management.

Code Snippet for Cloud: QMetry for Jira v4.0 and above

Pipeline Script
stage('Upload Result to QTM4J cloud V4'){
        step([$class: 'TestReportDeployPublisherCloudV4', testToRun: 'CLOUD', apikey: '710110e7143031eec425f2ebd6f813e3530243767467d1984203b0fc2ecf2d73e48d5586c45f06de424a9394a50ba57f512bc6dda6042e30cc73b9fdfc3acd530fb7ba3e6c18a9c86ba6ed92af508738', format: 'cucumber/json', file: 'cucumber', testCycleToReuse: "", attachFile: true, environment: "Chrome", build: "1.0.0 beta",
testCycleLabels: "label1,label2", testCycleComponents: "component1", testCyclePriority: "High", testCycleStatus: "To Do", testCycleSprintId: "10000", testCycleFixVersionId: "10000", testCycleSummary: "Test Cycle Summary", testCaseLabels: "label1,label2", testCaseComponents: "component1", testCasePriority: "High", testCaseStatus: "To Do", testCaseSprintId: "10000", testCaseFixVersionId: "10000"

Syntax of format:

  • cucumber/json
  • testng/xml
  • junit/xml
  • QAF
  • hpuft/xml
  • specflow/json

Parameters for Cloud








Your API Key. API Key is unique for a specific user in a single project. The result will be imported for the project associated with the given API Key.




Format of result file to be imported. Supported formats:

cucumber/json testng/xml junit/xml QAF hpuft/xml specflow/json




Path to your result file to be uploaded.

Example : The Jenkins plugin is expecting the file in Jenkins Workspace. 
If your workspace name is WithoutSouceCode, then you will find a folder name with "WithoutSouceCode" in your installation directory like Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode. 
Your result file should be under Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode/Testng-result.xml. 
The path that should be set in plugin configuration is "/Testng-result.xml"

Test Cycle To Reuse

stringNoKey of the test cycle to be reused.

Upload Screenshots

checkboxNoCheck to upload attachments in execution. Default value: false.


stringNoName of the environment on which test cycle has to be executed.
BuildstringNoName of the build for test cycle execution.
Test Case and Test Cycle Fields





Summary (For Test Cycle)



Summary of test cycle.




Priority to be added to the test case/test cycle.

StatusstringNoStatus to be added to the test run.
ComponentsstringNoComma separated names of Components to be added to the test case/test cycle.
LabelsstringNoComma separated names of Labels to be added to the test case/test cycle.
Fix Version Id (How to find the Fix Version Id)numberNoId of Fix Version to be added to the test case/test cycle.
Sprint Id (How to find the Sprint Id)numberNoId of Sprint to be added to the test case/test cycle.

7. On successful completion of the process, you can see the console output. It displays success message for uploading the result file.

8. Finally check test execution page in QMetry and review your test run results.

Go to Main Page


Jenkins qtm4j 4.png (image/png)
Jenkins qtm4j 3.png (image/png)
Jenkins 4_1.png (image/png)
Jenkins 4_2.png (image/png)
Test result Pipeline.png (image/png)
results in qtm4j.png (image/png)