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Distribution of this plugin has been suspended due to unresolved security vulnerabilities, see below. |
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Play Framework plugin
The Play Framework plugin brings the command-line capabilities of Play and Activator into the Jenkins environment, integrating these powerful tools to the most widely used Continuous Integration platform. This way, Play projects can benefit from the growing number of features provided by the Jenkins community while improving the traceability of their build elements and visualisation of the respective results.
The plugin supports Play 1.x, Play 2.x as well as Activator projects. It provides a smart selection of most commands available in their CLI. Moreover, it’s also possible to input custom commands via Jenkins interface.
Global Configuration
In Manage Jenkins, Configure System, a new section will be available: Play.
Select Add Play and give it a name and the PLAY_HOME path. Play Framework or Activator tools can be provided also via Install automatically option, when properly configured.
Save the configuration and move forward.
Job Configuration
Open/create a Jenkins job. Add a build-step Invoke Play Framework.
Select the Play or Activator tool provided in the global configuration. Provide also the project path and the command set (Play 1.x or Play 2.x, which includes the Activator as well).
Several Goals are listed below according to the selected command set. Create your sequence of goals in the desired order. Commands are executed from top to bottom. A description is provided for each goal right below their respective title.
Save your job configuration and you are ready to go!
Workflow plugin compatibility
Starting from version 0.2.0, Play Framework plugin can be used within the Workflow plugin for Jenkins. This allows your Play project to be inserted into a more complex build environment that only Workflow provides. Delivery Pipelines are one of the main benefits, allowing higher parallelism and better control of the build chain.
In order to use it, simply create a new Workflow job and use its Snippet Generator feature to create the Play command from the already known User Interface.
Select General Build Step and Invoke Play Framework.
Fill up the fields and select the goals as in a regular Freestyle Project.
Pressing Generate Groovy will provide the complete Groovy command.
Copy the command and paste it into the Groovy text field. The node function is a basic requirement for any script executed within the Workflow plugin.
Copy the command and paste it into the Groovy text field. The node function is a basic requirement for any script executed within the Workflow plugin.
Change log
Version 1.0.1 (Feb 8, 2016)
- Windows compatibility fixed. (JENKINS-31851)
Version 1.0.0 (Nov 20, 2015)
- New interface: Play goals configurable via dropdown menus.
- Play tool installation implemented. (JENKINS-31528)
Version 0.0.12 (Sep 29, 2011)
- Bug fix: ensure job doesn't fail without configuring application path
Version 0.0.11 (Sep 28, 2011)
- Bug fix: to resolve workspace path when used in slave server
Version 0.0.10 (Sep 21, 2011)
- Modified supported Jenkins version number for adapting Cloudbees support
Version 0.0.9 (Sep 18, 2011)
- Supported to allow using parameterized build
- Enable to configure play application path instead of using the workspace root path as application path
- Ensure to quote application path when executing
Version 0.0.8 (Jul 27, 2011)
- Enable to run multiple commands at once with each options
Version 0.0.5 (Jul 3, 2011)
- Enable to configure play path per job
Version 0.0.4 (Feb 7, 2011)
- Fixed a bug builder's global.jelly misses its setting after Jenkins restart
- Supported unstable build status when some tests failed
Version 0.0.1 (Jan 25, 2011)
- First release
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