Jenkins : Logfilesizechecker Plugin

Aborts a build if its log file gets too big.

Plugin Information

View build log file size checker on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin monitors the size of the output file of a build and aborts the build if the log file gets too big. You can set a default value for the maximum allowed size in the Jenkins configuration as well as specify a maximum file size on the configuration page of each individual job.

Pipeline Support

The log file size checker can be added to a jenkins pipeline with a wrap statement. The 'maxLogSize' attribute is in MB. For example:

$class: 'LogfilesizecheckerWrapper',
'maxLogSize': 1,
'failBuild': true,
'setOwn': true]) {
echo "do stuff"


If the console output exceeds the limit specified in the LogfilesizecheckerWrapper, the build aborts with the following error: 

>>> Max Log Size reached 1(MB). Aborting <<<


Version 1.5 (NOV 15 2018)

  • [JENKINS-54641] Using getLogText instead deprecated getLogFile

Version 1.4 (Jul 25 2018)

  • Improve performance for many-executor systems. Thanks to Pavel Avgustinov (PR #7).

Version 1.3 (Dec 13 2017)

  • Pipeline support. Thanks to Basil Crow (PR #3).

Version 1.2 (Nov 06 2013)

  • Shorter title in job configuration for ab better look and feel

Version 1.1 (Oct 26 2013)

Version 1.0 (Sep 10 2012)

  • First version of this plugin