Step 1 : Download Jenkins Runner From Github repository
Step 2: Extract the Runner to a suitable place /usr/share or /opt in linux and C:\tools in windows
Step 3: Copy the jenkins.war to RunnerHome/lib directory
Step 4: Based on your environment Start the appropriate script ( under bin folder)
For example on Windows you can click bin/[windows-x86-64] or [windows-x86-32]/StartJenkins.bat
Jenkins Runner is based on Java Service Wrapper
- Pre bundled script which would allow you to manage jenkins instance in different environments seamlessly
- Configurations can be changed/added very easily
- Scripts supports init.d configuration and Windows Service modes
- Upgrading jenkins is just a matter of replacing jenkins.war in lib folder
- Pre configured plugins can be provided with the bundle.
- you can added other jar files easily in the class path
- application parameters and jmv parameters can configured very easily
Shorter Version
- Easy instance Management
- Easy Configuration
- Easy Updating + Pre bundled Plugins
- data ==> contains files required for jenkins, configuration, jobs etc
- logs ==> this where jenkins will spit out logs
- conf ==> configuration that should be done to jenkins is driven through files in this folder
- lib ==> this folder contains wrapper.jar and jenkins.war, and any other jars you want to make available to classpath
- bin ==> binary executables are present here, based on you environment you have to execute one of the files in this directory
How do I change the port?
Modify the JenkinsRunnder/conf/wrapper.conf file (line number 31) as follows
For more details on properties, go to JSW website