Jenkins : GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin

Plugin Information

View GitHub PR Comment Build on the plugin site for more information.

Allows rebuilds of multibranch PR jobs based on GitHub PR comments.

The latest release (2.0) is meant for the 2.x SCM API-related plugins. Upgrading to this version will bring in those plugins, so use caution to make sure you are ready! See this blog post for more information.


To use the plugin, simply add a property to any branch (or all branches) on a multibranch job. Two properties are available:

  • Trigger build on pull request comment - builds the job when a pull request comment is added/edited. You may wish to change the pattern that is searched for when matching comments. This is a regular expression and not a simple text match.
  • Trigger build on pull request update - builds the job when the pull request title or body is updated.


2.0 (June 15, 2017)

Support newer SCM/branch source plugins. Use this release if you are using the 2.x releases of the SCM API-related plugins.

1.1 (March 6, 2017)

Add support for building a job when a PR title or body is updated as well by using a separate branch property.

1.0 (January 23, 2017)

Initial release