Jenkins : Coordinator

Plugin Information

View Coordinator on the plugin site for more information.

This plugin acts like a coordinator that makes other jobs to build in a particular sequence as pre-defined.

There are serial and parallel building patterns, which should have already covered most scenarios.


I've seen different organizations spending their own effort to customize their CI tools, especially for job running dependency definitions. 

Say first run Job A, then Job B & Job C in parallel, then Job D, then others, etc.

This plugin is meant to make this by drag & drop, and clicks. It would be easy to trace the building histories including the person who triggers the job,

build number, launch time, duration & status in each atomic job.

In a word, it's more like a dash board to keep all relevant information in a page view.


Live Demo

For a running Jenkins instance with Coordinator plugin installed, go to

Configure Page

Trigger Page

Execution Plan

Parameters Passing To Atomic Jobs

Building Page

Change Log

Version 1.0.0 (Nov 1, 2014)

  • basics


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Capture.PNG (image/png)
parameter.png (image/png)
trigger-page.png (image/png)
trigger-page.png (image/png)
configure-page.png (image/png)
running.png (image/png)