Jenkins : 2.0 UX improvements

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This is a draft document for Jenkins 2.0. Many of this is real (yet).

A more powerful plugin manager. A revamped UI for configuring jobs, views, slaves, etc. An easier to use "New Item/View/Slave" dialog.


Over the past year and a half or so, Tom and I have been cobbling together fragments of Javascript, Java and Jelly code trying to push the Jenkins web ui in the right direction, but routinely bumping into the walls of inflexible page DOM, incompatible legacy JS libraries, plugin compatibility concerns and life draining skepticism from the community. With the release of a new version of Jenkins, Tom and now Keith and I are eager to cast off some of this baggage so we can start bringing the Jenkins web user experience.

Subject areas

The Jenkins GUI has a potentially broad reach and many areas for possible and substantial improvement. To help clarify the effort, the following 15 subprojects are a helpful means of dividing possible areas of work: (6min and again 11min as Tom demos themes which are an upside enabled by semantic pages and required for config pages demoed at 24min)

  1. Initial plugin selection and installation
  2. Flexible LESS driven theming (Tom’s forgotten effort)
    This is not as well articulated but touched on in this JUC talk: (11 min in)
  3. New item categorization and dynamic choice offering
  4. Configuration page overhaul
  5. Plugin Manager and Update Center overhaul
  6. Fully responsive app page template wrapper
  7. Workflow results monitoring 
  8. Improved console out (easier access and better readability)
  9. Multi and inline action grid control (with sorting and grouping)
  10. Global context build queue tracking
  11. Improved post-run build analytics (video)
  12. Terminology cleanup


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