Jenkins : Running Jenkins with native SSL / HTTPS

If you are running on Linux, you should consider simply putting a reverse proxy in front or using one of these guides instead:

If you are running on Windows, you should consider simply putting a reverse proxy in front or using one of these guides instead:

Generate SSL Certificate and convert into JKS keystore

You will need to generate a valid SSL certificate for your jenkins server.  This could be a self-signed cert, or one issued by a CA.  How you get this cert is outside the scope of this page/document, but this assumes you are on Windows and therefore you have some kind of *.pfx or PKCS based certificate file.

You can convert your certificate (and chain file) into a JKS using the Java keytool command (obviously replace '' with your actual FQDN:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <path-to-cert-file.pfx> -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore -deststoretype JKS

Configure Jenkins to use HTTPS and the JKS keystore

Copy your Jenkins *.jks keystore file to your Jenkins server.  You can put the keystore file into your JENKINS_HOME folder for convenience.

Edit the jenkins.xml file (installed into %PROGRAMFILES{x86)%/Jenkins/jenkins.xml by default on Windows) and change the following arguments being passed to java when launching jenkins:

--httpPort=-1  (to stop Jenkins from listening over plain HTTP)
--httpsPort=443  (or 8443 or whatever SSL port you want Jenkins to listen on)

Private key and JKS keystore passwords

When creating the JKS keystore, the destination keystore password (e.g. JKS) must match the source keystore password (e.g. the password for the .pfx).