Automatic dependency checks help assure that new releases of dependencies are reviewed by plugin maintainers. The GitHub dependabot tool can be configured to ...
The plugin BOM provides Pipeline plugin version numbers so that the developer does not need to maintain the independent version numbers of the Pipeline plugins.
Jenkins – an open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.
See the developer documentation for the recommended minimum Jenkins version. Create a branch. In a local copy of your fork of the plugin repository create a git ...
Updates are listed in the Updates tab of the Plugins page and can be installed by checking the checkboxes of the desired plugin updates and clicking the ...
Feb 25, 2024 · Dependency-Check is a utility that identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities.
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Sep 21, 2022 · This blog post introduces the "Improve a plugin" developer tutorial for new contributors. The tutorial is a result of the "Contributing to Open ...
Writing automated tests for Jenkins and its plugins is important to ensure that everything works as expected — in various scenarios, with multiple Java ...
Use plugin bill of materials. Simplify dependency management with the plugin bill of materials. Updating the versions of plugin dependencies manually can ...
The default behavior of Java class loaders, and of Jenkins plugin class loaders as well, is to service loadClass requests first by asking the parent loader(s) ...