Apr 10, 2024 · This plugin allows you to provide SSH credentials to builds via a ssh-agent in Jenkins. This is convenient in some cases.
List of credentials to be used by the sshagent step. The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator will guide the user to select a single credential from the list ...
Jan 16, 2024 · Allows to launch agents over SSH, using a Java implementation of the SSH protocol.
Using Jenkins agents. Table of Contents. Configuring agents with Docker. Environment; Generating an SSH key pair. Create a Jenkins SSH credential.
Constructs a new instance. Parameters: user - the IdCredentials.getId() of the credentials to use. SSHAgentBuildWrapper. @DataBoundConstructor ...
This plugin allows you to provide SSH credentials to builds via a ssh-agent in Jenkins.
Provider of launcher objects. Messages. Generated localization support class. RemoteAgent. Need an interface in order to export the object from the channel.
SSH Agent Plugin 346.vda_a_c4f2c8e50 API. Packages. Package, Description. com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshagent · com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshagent.