Apr 9, 2024 · The Role Strategy plugin is meant to be used from Jenkins to add a new role-based mechanism to manage users' permissions. Supported features.
Returns a list of all item roles of the user that started the build. This includes roles assigned via groups. When the run is triggered by an SCM event or by ...
API method to delete a user from all granted roles. Example: curl -X POST localhost:8080/role-strategy/strategy/deleteUser --data "type=globalRoles&user= ...
Enables user authorization using a Role-Based strategy. Roles can be defined globally or for particular jobs or nodes selected by regular expressions.
About this plugin​​ This plugin adds a new role-based strategy to ease and fasten users management.
Feb 23, 2022 · How do I fix this? I was trying to disable plugins we do not need, and I guess this one we DO need. But now how do I get Jenkins to come ...
Create a Role. Parameters: name - The role name: pattern - The pattern matching AccessControlled objects names: permissions - The Permission ...
The Role Strategy Plugin is one of the most popular Jenkins authorization plugin. On adding a large number of roles to the plugin, a significant slowdown is ...
Aug 1, 2023 · I want to give user access for parameters in Jenkins basused on user role. so I am using Role-based Authorization Strategy and Active ...