Identifies a SCMHead / SCMSource as being a primary instance. Some examples of how this metadata is intended to be used:.
Holds metadata about an avatar to be associated with a SCMSource or SCMNavigator (also valid for SCMRevision and SCMHead , but would be considered unusual).
Sep 22, 2023 · Provides a basic framework for steps in a build's lifecycle to attach JSON-serializable metadata to a build (as an invisible action).
Holds metadata about the contributor of a SCMRevision , SCMHead , SCMSource or SCMNavigator . In general we expect this to be reported from SCMSource.
A marker interface for value types intended to be used as metadata contained in MetadataContainer.getMetadata() . Implementations must make their classes ...
Holds metadata about the object referenced by a SCMRevision , SCMHead , SCMSource or SCMNavigator . For example: A SCMNavigator implementation that ...
Dec 16, 2013 · This plugin allows metadata to be added to projects, builds and slaves in Jenkins. Users can add metadata manually on a project or slave via ...
Nov 12, 2021 · I want to trigger the jenkins job from my backend and pass params (metadata) via curl, like this: https://my-jenkins.com/job/MY_JOB_NAME/ ...
Methods in com.google.jenkins.plugins.metadata that return types with arguments of type MetadataValue. Modifier and Type, Method, Description ...