Nov 22, 2019 · Keep your Jenkins instance healthy with Jenkins Health Advisor by CloudBees.
Jul 20, 2023 · HEARTBEAT CHECK INTER VAL=86400" while run jenkins pipeline script . NotMyFault (Alexander Brandes) July 20, 2023, 8:31am ...
A helper thread which does some computation in the background and displays incremental results using JavaScript. This is appropriate when the computation ...
Dec 3, 2014 · Workflow plugin is 1.0 ... Jenkins started with a notion of jobs and builds at heart. One script is one job, and as you repeatedly execute jobs, ...
Apr 18, 2024 · This plugin gives various ways to connect your SCM-Manager with Jenkins, like sending build status, multibranch pipelines, folders for complete ...
Jul 19, 2023 · Introduction Hey everyone, I have added new features to the community forums and enhanced the appearance and usability a bit.
The most efficient way to deliver more complex and higher quality products is to incorporate Continuous Delivery across engineering teams. Logo.
Managing any software presents its own unique challenges. Jenkins controllers are no exception. For example, How do you keep a finger on the pulse of everything ...
Jun 18, 2020 · In 2016, the Jenkins community decided to start removing offensive terminology within the project. The "slave" term was deprecated in ...
Jenkins project includes a lot of code, and we invite everyone to contribute to the project. There is a diverse set of programming languages used in Jenkins ...