Nov 28, 2023 · This plugin provides docker-java API for other plugins ... This plugin exposes the docker-java API to Jenkins plugins. Plugins using docker-java ...
Obtains a raw DockerClient pointing at our docker service endpoint. com.github.dockerjava.api.DockerClient, getClient​(int activityTimeoutInSeconds).
Package io.jenkins.dockerjavaapi.client ; Simple delegate class for the DockerClient interface.
Sets SSLConfig from defined credentials id. Parameters: credentialsId - credentials to find in jenkins; Returns: docker-java client; Throws: ...
... dockerjava.api.DockerClient client). Utility method to copy remoting runtime into container on specified working directory. Parameters: containerId - The ...
May 6, 2022 · Hi there :wave:, I'm trying to use containers on remote machines as build agents. I have a recent version (2.346) of Jenkins controller ...
Util class to for docker commands. CommitCommand. This command commits changes done in specified container and create new image from it. CommitCommand.