Post-condition blocks contain steps the same as the steps section. stages. Containing a sequence of one or more stage directives, the stages section is where ...
Extends from Describable to support UI-based instantiation. Your step should have a config.jelly allowing a user to configure its properties, and may have a ...
Pipeline Steps Reference. The following plugins offer Pipeline-compatible steps. Each plugin link offers more information about the parameters for each step ...
Scoped to a single execution of Step , and provides insights into what's going on asynchronously and aborting the activity if need be.
Reads a file in the current working directory or a String as a plain text Java Properties file. The returned object is a normal Map with String keys. The map ...
A continuous delivery (CD) pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and ...
Useful when a long-running step has changed some instance fields (or the content of a final field) and needs these changes to be recorded. An implementation ...
Generalization of SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution that can be used for block-scoped steps. The step may at any given time either be running CPS VM code, ...
This step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control the flow of the build. Only a basic "proceed" or "abort" option is provided ...