This section is a work in progress. Want to help? Check out the jenkinsci/docs gitter channel. For other ways to contribute to the Jenkins project, ...
This plugin manages user credentials for a Chef server.
This plugin allows management of Chef credentials so jobs can execute jobs against a Chef server using those credentials by adding a section to the Jenkins ...
Feb 14, 2022 · A bit of background. We have Chef within our environment and runs every 2 hours to install/upgrade agents on all our servers. But we have some ...
Managing Jenkins with Chef · Managing Jenkins with Puppet · Viewing logs · Authenticating scripted clients · Reverse proxy configuration · Reverse proxy - ...
Jul 16, 2018 · The Chef Cookbook Pipeline Plugin for Jenkins makes it easy to build deployment pipelines for Chef cookbooks visually using Jenkins' Blue ...
Managing Jenkins with Chef · Managing Jenkins with Puppet · Viewing logs · Authenticating scripted clients · Reverse proxy configuration · Reverse proxy - ...
Managing Jenkins with Chef · Managing Jenkins with Puppet · Viewing logs · Authenticating scripted clients · Reverse proxy configuration · Reverse proxy - ...
Managing Jenkins with Chef · Managing Jenkins with Puppet · Viewing logs · Authenticating scripted clients · Reverse proxy configuration · Reverse proxy - ...