For setting up a Jenkins Cluster on Kubernetes, we will do the following: Create a Namespace. Create a service account with Kubernetes admin permissions.
This section is a work in progress. Want to help? Check out the jenkinsci/docs gitter channel. For other ways to contribute to the Jenkins project, ...
In order to do that, open the Jenkins UI and navigate to “Manage Jenkins → Nodes and Clouds → Clouds → Add a new cloud → Kubernetes and fill in the ...
Sep 25, 2020 · Some of the topics to be covered include Installing Jenkins on Kubernetes, Administering Jenkins on Kubernetes, Cloud providers and much more.
Administering Jenkins on Kubernetes · Managing Jenkins with Chef · Managing Jenkins with Puppet · Viewing logs · Authenticating scripted clients · Reverse proxy ...
Add, remove, control, and monitor the nodes used for the agents on which build jobs run. Configure your Jenkins instance using a human-readable YAML file ...
Administering Jenkins on Kubernetes · Managing Jenkins with Chef · Managing Jenkins with Puppet · Viewing logs · Authenticating scripted clients · Reverse proxy ...
Mar 7, 2023 · Hi community, I'm planning to setup Jenkins application end to end on Google's GKE cluster. Any leads are highly appreciated.
Jenkins needs some disk space to perform builds and keep archives. You can check this location from the configuration screen of Jenkins.
User Handbook Overview · Installing Jenkins · Docker · Kubernetes · Platform Information · Java Support Policy · Linux Support Policy · Using Jenkins · Best ...