Oct 17, 2023 · This Plugin adds a new ChoiceListProvider for the "Extensible Choice Plugin" which is able to read Artifact information from a Nexus ...
ADD: Implemented a new resolver for artifact items. In the past the URL was constructed to target the file directly in the repository. The new implementation ...
This Plugin adds a new ChoiceListProvider for the "Extensible Choice Plugin" which is able to read Artifact information from a Nexus repository.
This extension point has no Javadoc documentation. Implementations: Maven Artifact ChoiceListProvider (Nexus) Plugin: org.jenkinsci.plugins.
This interface is to allow different implementation on how to retrieve an artifact from a Nexus repository. Therefore this interface provides functionality ...
This page describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the given class or package. Given a class or interface A, its "Use" ...
Retrieves the versions from the given source. Parameters: pInstance - the artifact repository service. pRepositoryId - the repositoryId: pGroupId - the groupId ...
Maven Artifact ChoiceListProvider (Nexus) ; 1.17. Released: Oct 17, 2023. SHA-1: a835658a221ec8eb9e49687d71cd37ebd14b0d0b ; 1.16. Released: Sep 25, 2023. SHA-1: ...
Class MavenMetaData. java.lang.Object. org.jenkinsci.plugins.maven_artifact_choicelistprovider.maven.MavenMetaData. public class MavenMetaData extends Object ...
Different implementation will return different IVersionReader instances. Specified by: createServiceInstance in class AbstractMavenArtifactChoiceListProvider ...