Package hudson.cli ; Deletes builds records in a bulk. · CLI command, which deletes a job or multiple jobs. · CLI command, which deletes Jenkins nodes.
Jenkins has a built-in command line interface that allows users and administrators to access Jenkins from a script or shell environment.
Base class for Hudson CLI. How does a CLI command work. The users starts the "CLI agent" on a remote system, by specifying arguments, like "java -jar jenkins- ...
Annotates a resolver method that binds a portion of the command line arguments and parameters to an instance whose CLIMethod is invoked for the final ...
hudson. hudson.cli. Server-side CLI commands for Hudson. hudson.model. Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . hudson.security.
Class CLIAction · Nested Class Summary · Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface hudson.ExtensionPoint · Constructor Summary · Method Summary ...
Server-side CLI commands for Hudson. · Core object model that are bound to URLs via stapler, rooted at Jenkins . · Security-related code.
Annotates methods on model objects to expose them as CLI commands. CLIResolver. Annotates a resolver method that binds a portion of the command line arguments ...
Package hudson.cli ; Helper class to invoke CLICommand and check the response.
Set on the CLI client ( java -jar jenkins-cli.jar ), not Jenkins server process. hudson.cli.CLIAction.ALLOW_WEBSOCKET. escape hatch security. Since: 2.442 and ...