Core package with all needed classes to do Darcs SCM actions. org.jenkinsci.plugins.darcs.browsers, Sub package with implementations for repository browsers.
This plugin integrates the Darcs SCM into hudson ... Using the CLI tool: jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins darcs:0.3.5. Download ...
Builder for `darcs changes` command. Examples: `darcs changes --repo=REPDIR --xml-output [--summary] [--last=N]` `darcs changes --repo=REPDIR --count`.
Executes the command by joining the passed in process starter. Parameters: proc - used to join the command; Returns ...
Builder for `darcs changes` command. DarcsChangeSet - Class in org.jenkinsci.plugins.darcs: Represents a change set (aka. DarcsChangeSet() - Constructor for ...
Create sub builder to build `darcs pull` command. DarcsPullBuilder, DarcsPullBuilder.repoDir(String directory) Directory of repository to pull in.
Abstract implementation for Darcs repository browsers. DarcsWeb · DarcsWeb.DescriptorImpl, DarcsWeb repository browser description. Package org.jenkinsci.
Mar 15, 2013 · This plugin integrates Darcs version control system to Jenkins. The plugin requires the Darcs binary (darcs) to be installed on the target ...
Abstracts the darcs command line interface. Uses of DarcsCommand in org.jenkinsci.plugins.darcs.cmd. Methods in org.jenkinsci.plugins.
This API (Application Programming Interface) document has pages corresponding to the items in the navigation bar, described as follows. Overview. The Overview ...