Aug 13, 2011 · CovComplPlot Plugin shows coverage/complexity scatter plot to easily find out which weakness the code has.
Class containing coverage and complexity methods in the given value range and corresponding paging. CovComplPlotProjectAction, Project Action.
Package hudson.plugins.covcomplplot.analyzer ; AbstractMethodInfoHandler, Abstract handler which is the superclass of Jenkins plugin handlers.
hudson.plugins.covcomplplot. Classes Constant · CovComplPlotBuildAction · CovComplPlotMethods · CovComplPlotProjectAction · CovComplPlotPublisher
Clover result handler. This class is responsible to read the clover result and make the MethodInfo list. In addition, some clover specific actions. Author: ...
Hierarchy For Package hudson.plugins.covcomplplot.stub. Package Hierarchies: All Packages. Class Hierarchy. java.lang.
Class Hierarchy ; Constant ; CovComplPlotBuildAction (implements hudson.model.Action, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy) ; CovComplPlotMethods (implements java.io.
Hierarchy For All Packages. Package Hierarchies: hudson.plugins.covcomplplot, hudson.plugins.covcomplplot.analyzer, hudson.plugins.covcomplplot.model, ...
This plugin is coverage/complexity scatter plot graph plugin. It supports clover and cobertura results.
Method Summary. static int, compareVersion(String v1, String v2) Compare version string. static hudson.FilePath[], findFile(hudson.FilePath basePath, String ...