This plugin lets you automate a number of Android-related tasks during a build: Creating a new Android emulator. Its configuration can be parameterised, ...
androidEmulator : Run an Android emulator during build. emulatorTool : String; osVersion : String; screenDensity : String; screenResolution : String ...
This QueueTaskDispatcher prevents any one Android emulator instance from being executed more than once concurrently on any one build machine.
A hash representing the variables that are used to determine which emulator configuration should be started to fulfil the job configuration. Parameters: ...
Starts an Android emulator with given properties before a build, then shuts it down after.
Android plugins for Jenkins. Android Emulator plugin. automate many Android tasks during a build, such as launching/destroying emulators · Warning next ...
This class holds the implementations for all used commands in the latest SDK version. As some calls have never changed in history, it is most likely that ...
Installs the given platform and its dependencies into the given installation, if necessary. Parameters: logger - Logs things. launcher - Used to launch tasks on ...
Android Emulator ; android emulator plugin on M1 · Split Plugin to SDK Manager and Emulator · Support command line tool 4.0 · Getting No connected devices while ...